The dungeon is in Korea, but as an esper with a pretty specialised power niche Haru is used to occasionally having to go international for these dungeons, and the fact that he already speaks Korean is definitely a bonus. The espers he's going to be working with are all in Quasar Guild, which is the largest one in Korea and which has just recently acquired a very powerful teleportation esper, one whose power can be stored in batteries Quasar also happened to already have in its possession, so they're covering the teleportation cost for Haru to get there.
"We can find out!" This is nice and correct, Haru draping himself all over him and being incapable of shutting up. This is how things ought to be. No Johns anywhere.
Jaeha is a little taller than Haru but Haru can still hug him around the middle from behind and still get his chin over Jaeha's shoulder. "Were you dreadfully bored all day long?"
"Less than I thought I would be," which is true because he had not expected to go down the rabbit hole he did. "I spent some time digging around for other people who've looked into dungeons from the same kinds of angles you did and I ran into your blog."
"Oh yeah, did I never send you a link to it - I guess I didn't! It started as a school club project, I was never big into clubs but you basically have to be in clubs so I just joined the English club planning to coast, but I got kind of into translation, and I like famous old classic fiction that has all already been translated, so I thought I'd start a bilingual blog about something that actually interested me - there was an espers club but it was cringe beyond belief - and then I just kept going."
"It was all about espers as celebrities and not as magical phenomena, I just really don't get some people. At least sports fans usually also care about the game prior to caring about the players even if it's an alien interest to me. And I think it's especially unhealthy in the East without the secret identity buffer, I'll take selfies with people anywhere because of who I am as a backlashed person but there's definitely an element of it being less weird to do as Traceless than as my real name."
"No." Jaeha already knew that, he isn't wearing one in any of the pictures. "If I don't want people to see me they won't anyway, the problem is the wanting. I've never been recognized in public in Canada, though, for reasons such as that white people suck at telling Asians apart, I carry myself very differently if I'm not backlashing and am just buying groceries, and also I don't spend that much time there so I'm very minor even among the intense esper fans."
"I don't really know how it is in the West, I suppose, but at least in Korea it's very strongly borrowing from the K-pop culture, focusing on people having parasocial relationships with their espers... I'm not sufficiently famous to be the target of too much of that but I can't imagine it must be pleasant."
"Well, that's all well and good for me, there are times when I'm able to read people's internet comments about me even if I can't read a book, but it seems questionable as a widespread cultural institution."
"Yeah, I don't disagree. Although... Quasar's contract had some interesting clauses related to that. We could, if we wanted, refuse any and all interviews and let them deal with that, if they're to be believed, which is very much not how it was at Juno."
"I hope I don't count as the media, I don't think I was pushy when I called people up and asked them to tell me about their work or their powers or whatever for Eventualities but if they weren't allowed to turn me down that's unfortunate and there were Koreans in the mix a few times once I learned the language."
"I think you probably don't count? But there were also clauses in the contract about, hmm, managing our image? Reputational damages to me being reputational damages to Juno, so I need to present a good face, and so on, which probably other espers would be keeping in mind even when dealing with regular non-media people."
"I will probably be about the right amount of backlashed to be able to conduct an interview after we have dinner, if you'd like!"
"Ehh, I can sort of do it in my immediately post dungeon state but I like being able to consult notes and take notes even if I'm also recording the conversation for later editing and translation."
"Yeah. I could probably route around it if I were texting the notes to a person but it'd have to be the person having any interest in the interviewing process and being likely to read the text, if they're just letting me use their messages as a scratchpad my brain'll quit on me about it."
"Hmm, I wonder if I can convince your brain that I'm always interested in everything you have to say?"
"I wouldn't count on it but you can try!" The draping-himself-over-Jaeha position affords opportunities for cheek-kisses. Mwah.
Jaeha is interested in everything Haru has to say, so, maybe it won't be so hard. He can demonstrate this while he makes dinner with a cute boy draped over him.