The dungeon is in Korea, but as an esper with a pretty specialised power niche Haru is used to occasionally having to go international for these dungeons, and the fact that he already speaks Korean is definitely a bonus. The espers he's going to be working with are all in Quasar Guild, which is the largest one in Korea and which has just recently acquired a very powerful teleportation esper, one whose power can be stored in batteries Quasar also happened to already have in its possession, so they're covering the teleportation cost for Haru to get there.
"He actually hates her more than most people! I don't know how he has come to this attitude since I only talk to her in English and he can't speak it!"
"I expected as much. I suppose he'd have to live in a different wing of the house from me."
"Huh. Well, since your house is wingèd then Cricket having his quarters elsewhere is probably plenty sufficient."
"I think being this adorable might be in contravention of international law," he says, before proceeding to kiss him about it.
Mmmmkiss. "No crimes here, that was my alter ego, the dashing hero Traceless of British Columbia, I have a separate passport from that guy and everything." Smooch.
"Yep! It's not an amazing codename, they don't want to require anything like birthdate for esper IDs so the names themselves have to be unique. Like racehorses. I went through a lot of ideas that turned out to be taken."
He's always found the Western custom of giving espers codenames kind of weird but it is really goddamn cute to think of Haru as "Traceless".
Maybe he should just say that with his mouth.
"I've always found this custom a bit strange but I have to confess that I find the idea of you being a hero called 'Traceless' very endearing."
Yeah, so does Jaeha.
The prospect of having Haru move in with him is beginning to sound less concerning. This might actually work out alright.
Haru seems to think it will work fine if the way he can be induced to moan Jaeha's name in Jaeha's bed in Jaeha's house is any indication.
God, Jaeha is so addicted to hearing his name like that. He's keeping Haru. He's definitely keeping him.
Juno is... a Korean guild. That's something that can be said about it. It has a rigid corporate structure and hierarchy, and it is offering to pay Haru more than Hasegawa is (because they want to keep their anti-Nightmare star happy), and it doesn't have much else going for itself. It is certainly not offering to eradicate any diseases, nor any particular benefits other than "it's where Jaeha currently is". It doesn't seem like they've been informed of Jaeha's own feelings of imminent departure, though.
Hasegawa is a smaller guild than either Juno or Quasar, and while they do offer Haru a raise in response to his projected increase in dungeon clears, it's not actually quadruple. Then somebody makes a slightly too-barbed remark about Cricket's legal status and Haru texts Yoo-min to see if Cricket can possibly be teleported to Korea in advance of any signatures being signed so that nobody has to have a day in court over that. Haru is in Seoul again to sign things not long after.