The dungeon is in Korea, but as an esper with a pretty specialised power niche Haru is used to occasionally having to go international for these dungeons, and the fact that he already speaks Korean is definitely a bonus. The espers he's going to be working with are all in Quasar Guild, which is the largest one in Korea and which has just recently acquired a very powerful teleportation esper, one whose power can be stored in batteries Quasar also happened to already have in its possession, so they're covering the teleportation cost for Haru to get there.
"I would love it for you to kiss it better. I don't have any more dungeons assigned today or tomorrow pending looking into alternative arrangements."
"I've done my today-dungeon and do not expect a tomorrow-dungeon unless something special happens, I'm wide open."
"And I'm not going to be imposing on any other inhabitants of your house to just show up at your door?"
"It's just me and Ren and Cricket, and Ren's out a lot unless I specifically ask her to cancel on all her friends to take care of me, which I try not to do more than a couple times a year."
"No, but I can be in five minutes, when I bought Ren a house I put it near Yamanaka's silo."
"Way to get a guy's hopes up and then keep him waiting." His tone of voice is teasing, though, and Haru can hear the noise of teleportation in the background of a call just then.
"Oh, is that not fun? I need to know these things." He sends Yamanaka an emoji and gets up to put his shoes on.
"As you said, it would be a dull world if we were all alike. There are so very many things I bet you would like to do but not to have done to you."
"I seem to recall you enjoying taking charge of this and that. Would you like telling me what to do? When to come or not to come? Tying me up, not letting me move until and unless you feel like it? Using me however you want to use me?"
"Well, I'll never know until I try, now, will I." Haru can jog pretty fast. Here he is on Ren's doorstep glomping Jaeha and reaching past him to get the door open.
The bedroom is as it was before. Cricket was at Yamanaka's with Haru but flew away before the phone call got too steamy.
It is of no lesser import to the cause of fighting dungeons that all the espers who do it be put right again after they return from missions. Haru sets about kissing it better.
And since they were already on the topic, Jaeha is so very curious about whether Haru wants to try any of his suggestions, or has ideas of his own.
Also? Jaeha has test results, now.
Jaeha's less acutely backlashed than last time, but with the amount of chronic backlash he's always carrying on his back, there's still a lot of guiding he can do and get done. He'll go as long as Haru wants to; he doesn't have a partner to go back to, anymore, so they can just keep doing this.
Eventually Haru grabs a book - not one on his shelf, there's one on the nightstand he's halfway through - and little-spoonifies himself to read it.
Oh okay.
He doesn't have anywhere to be. And Haru isn't kicking him out. Even though Haru said he's an introvert and prefers alone time.
Jaeha isn't going to question it.
It feels nice.
Oh good he didn't take breaking out a book as a dismissal even though Haru didn't say anything about it.
Unfortunately Jaeha has no idea what Haru is feeling because Haru is impossible to read aughhhhhhh—