The dungeon is in Korea, but as an esper with a pretty specialised power niche Haru is used to occasionally having to go international for these dungeons, and the fact that he already speaks Korean is definitely a bonus. The espers he's going to be working with are all in Quasar Guild, which is the largest one in Korea and which has just recently acquired a very powerful teleportation esper, one whose power can be stored in batteries Quasar also happened to already have in its possession, so they're covering the teleportation cost for Haru to get there.
"Yeah, him, he came over here for a psychic dungeon and I did the thing where if I meet a new esper I introduce them to the concept of fistbumps and yeah."
"Oooohhhhh you're like compatible compatible, gotcha. ...and you're both thinking of maybe changing guilds?"
"We live in different countries! And he doesn't sound attached to his, and I'm not to mine, though I'll feel awkward about leaving Yamanaka in the lurch, but I could still visit her sometimes."
Guess you must've found someone else to call?
Woe is me, unlucky by not checking my messages quick enough
I'm on the phone with Park Yoo-min & he's pitching me on Quasar
"Speak of the devil, he just answered my text, do you want to try to yoink him too or just me? I don't know how you guys handle interguild partnerships."
"Yeah, heck, both of you, that'd be aces. Though I'm sure we do do interguild partnerships, if needed."
", mannnn, I'd just gotten used to not doing that. Yes, good afternoon, Kang Jaeha-nim."
"I'm going to just keep not doing that if that's okay with you guys. So tell us about Quasar, for me obviously the draw is that it's in Korea but presumably it has other features."
"Yeah! ...I don't know how to sell you guys on it, though, you kinda gotta be here to see it, any way I put it will sound either phony or sus."
He's not that much of a stickler for formal register but it is kind of jarring to hear this guy he's literally never met talk to him like that.
"'Phony or sus'."
"...ok like I'm gonna need you to promise that if the thing I say sounds weird then you will instead pretend I didn't say it rather than make you believe bad things about our people, it's probably me fucking up and I don't wanna do them a disservice by doing that."
"What? No! It's just that, you know how Korean companies are—I guess you wouldn't. I think Japanese companies are the same? A lot of the—you know, bureaucracy and hierarchy and stuff? We don't do that. Except a lot of Korean companies say 'we don't do that' and what they actually mean is that you're meant to pretend your boss is your buddy while still licking their boots."
"I think I am maybe getting away with a lot by being Canadian. I've lived here since I was eight and yet."
"I mean, I do call everybody -san. But they don't want me to quit and move to Canada and work with my agent there full time so they don't push me."