The dungeon is in Korea, but as an esper with a pretty specialised power niche Haru is used to occasionally having to go international for these dungeons, and the fact that he already speaks Korean is definitely a bonus. The espers he's going to be working with are all in Quasar Guild, which is the largest one in Korea and which has just recently acquired a very powerful teleportation esper, one whose power can be stored in batteries Quasar also happened to already have in its possession, so they're covering the teleportation cost for Haru to get there.
My current partner's with Juno
But I have to say I am sorely tempted
This gives him such a good opening for when Do-in breaks it off, actually, that's great.
The Against Malaria Foundation will rejoice when my compensation like quadruples or something
The what now. Quick Google to the rescue.
They seem interesting
I hadn't heard of them before
I was not blessed with the power to eradicate malaria but I was blessed with the ability to throw a lot of money at the folks working on it
fuck malaria
Man it sucks to run into things Haru cares about like that that he knows nothing about because he can't sound cool and likeable if he doesn't know anything about it.
You'll have to tell me more about this org
Though I'm unfortunately going to need to go prep for my next dungeon now
Which has the advantage of being true. It's not, like, urgent, his assignment is in half an hour, but still, he should look those guys up, too.
...figures. He supposes he'll spend a while feeling sorry for himself on his own in his silo after the dungeon.
He's used to it.
(Part of him wants to go find Haru instead but he doesn't want to come off as too clingy. He needs to be at least a little bit hard to get.)
that's the against malaria foundation, anglophones love abbreviations
emailed the guild president, I'd expect turnaround in idk 1-3 days depending on how many emergencies fall on her head
My people didn't give me an estimate of when they'd contact you by so maybe your people will win that particular bidding war
Though if they haven't contacted you in a couple of days I can apply some extra pressure
...why is he doing so much for this guy.
hey are you free for a phone call?
(Jaeha gets that one, but so do lots of other people including Park Yoo-Min. The next ones are just for Jaeha.)
you know what will be fun if logistics work out? powers testing. like I know what my powers do for all the obvious practical purposes, but I *don't* know if I can turn Cheshire Cat invisible.
obviously tell me to stop texting you if I'm being annoying
no pressure on the phone call either, I have a very long contacts list for this exact reason
"Hi! How are you doing? I am in the process of uploading pictures of my last dungeon to my blog, it had godai-themed monsters and I'm starting to think the dungeons are trying to tell us something about human mythology but damned if I know what."
"OK Googling that is giving me a bunch of pictures of kanji for elements, is that what you mean or..."
"Yeah, classical elements. Five kinds of monsters with their own little neighborhoods in the dungeon. It would have been a lovely setting for a children's cartoon if it didn't eat people."
"Yeah, this is the Backlashing Haru Show for the next four to six hours. I actually met a Korean esper - Kang Jaeha if you know the name - who's like ninety percent as compatible on paper as my current partner but way more so in certain non-paper details? But for that to be a routine thing one of us would have to move and neither of us has gotten our respective guild to cough up an offer yet so I'm on the old standard of phone calls while Cricket purrs at me."
"Yeah, him, he came over here for a psychic dungeon and I did the thing where if I meet a new esper I introduce them to the concept of fistbumps and yeah."