The dungeon is in Korea, but as an esper with a pretty specialised power niche Haru is used to occasionally having to go international for these dungeons, and the fact that he already speaks Korean is definitely a bonus. The espers he's going to be working with are all in Quasar Guild, which is the largest one in Korea and which has just recently acquired a very powerful teleportation esper, one whose power can be stored in batteries Quasar also happened to already have in its possession, so they're covering the teleportation cost for Haru to get there.
He gets the teleportation request and, when he accepts it, finds himself in front of a very very large house. Calling it a "mansion" would not be a huge stretch.
"I wanted to walk there with you," he explains.
"House," says Haru, blinking at house. He goes for the handhold while blinking at the house. "Wow, I am so used to Tokyo shoeboxes and single story I-can't-believe-it's-not-a-trailer-park in Charlie's hometown."
"Well if you're fine with getting there a half hour late or still have energy afterwards I could show you around."
"I don't want to be half an hour late to a prospective work event, but I was thinking that if you still have any backlog to clear I could spend the night, get you fixed up? And I would probably see some of the house between the front door and the bedroom."
Fucking some more tonight is not gonna clear his backlog but he can pretend.
"Only a complete fool would refuse someone like you."
"With that as the plan for the night maybe I can scoop you up after the bar and fly you home. Your designated flier. It'd be so fun, it basically never makes sense for me to fly when I don't have to."
"...I have to admit that does sound like quite a lot of fun."
Hahahaha no it doesn't.
"Yeah, it's such a ripoff that I can fly and have to abstain, it's like motorcycles only much worse."
"Logistics, logistics," he singsongs, and starts to lead the way down the street. "Juno said they'd email you by the end of today, by the way."
"Five, ten minutes." Jaeha's house overlooks the Han river and is therefore pretty central in Seoul, and the Quasar folks picked a nice central place, too.
Haru is doing great - his standing schedule situation with his guild is sufficient to let him sometimes be doing great even with Yamanaka alone, and he hasn't told them to work him harder, yet. So he does not feel the need to further chat during this handholding walk along the river.
Honestly, fine by Jaeha, too. That way he doesn't have to fake having a personality except when strictly necessary.
And bar? He looked up the place on Street View but it may have redecorated since the last photo was taken.
And bar! Park Yoo-min spots them from the table he and a few other people are already seated at and waves them over. "Welcome, welcome! Let me introduce everyone. You've met my partner Choi Seungjoo, and these are Ha Si-yeon, Yoon Ha-eun, Baek Hyun-jae, and Lee Juheon."