The dungeon is in Korea, but as an esper with a pretty specialised power niche Haru is used to occasionally having to go international for these dungeons, and the fact that he already speaks Korean is definitely a bonus. The espers he's going to be working with are all in Quasar Guild, which is the largest one in Korea and which has just recently acquired a very powerful teleportation esper, one whose power can be stored in batteries Quasar also happened to already have in its possession, so they're covering the teleportation cost for Haru to get there.
His wish is Jaeha's command, of course. Jaeha is a quick study, at least when it comes to this, and anything that makes this gorgeous boy make noises like that is something he'll be doing a lot of.
Oh good, Haru loves it when he gets to be selfish in bed, it is a profound charity of the world that even though it seems like being on his preferred end of all possible intimate acts should be the universal consensus position of every human being there's actually a lot of variety and he has landed one who wants to nom his neck. (They're not literally in bed yet, they're kind of leaning on the door. Shirts go flying across the room. Maybe now they should be on the bed.)
Yes they should. He really likes this thing where he doesn't have to figure out a normal way to be because he can just be horny instead. All decisions are easy, just do whatever makes pretty boys moan, touch them and kiss them and bite them, grind against them and play with their bodies. Shirts are off but surely they won't stop there, right? Surely Haru will let him get his hands more places?
Oh yeah. After the briefest detour to get the condoms out of his pocket and onto the nightstand.
Hmmm yeah those are for later he's back to kissing now because fluid exchange ahoy, he knows for a fact making out with people you're not this compatible with just feels a lot less nice in itself and, and he thinks he can feel it, too. He might be making it up in his head but he thinks he can feel the guiding, can feel the fog start to move hopefully in his brain.
That only makes him want to do more.
Mmmmmmmm enthusiasm is so gratifying. And sex is one place where backlash thinks he's having a social interaction, sanity is excited about coming back online, and introversion acknowledges that unlike paintball this activity is part of a balanced diet. And the compatibility is so good? He's never smooched Yamanaka and in theory that would also be great but he's too gay to find it appealing and right now he is very very gloriously gay.
And here's the thing Jaeha likes the most about guided sex: it cures backlash. That's not winning any awards for surprisingness but it means that he gets progressively more into it as he does it, his interest going from mostly performative to something much more genuine. He usually fakes the genuine version using his power but he has no practice with doing it for real and he's sure there are a myriad tells he doesn't know about or can't correct for, so he probably won't be able to fool Haru at all, if Haru is paying attention. Although, well, depending on how much time they spend on this the change might be too subtle to notice; if it's up to Jaeha they'll do it for at least an hour but other people tend to get less high on sex than he does.
Still, hopefully Haru will like this? He seemed pretty enthusiastic about how into him Jaeha is, so this will probably be a good thing.
God it's good to get to feel positive things again.
Progressively increasing sincerity of enthusiasm mostly comes across as being... impressed or something? Which is slightly odd, Haru's not pulling out any particularly exotic tricks to be impressed by and is not showcasing any kinks that weren't presented with an engraved invitation by that one "sir", but that doesn't make it less flattering.
Bearing in mind that Haru's refractory situation is not as superhuman as some other espers the narration could mention, he is still completely on board with spending an hour in bed as long as the pacing varies accommodatingly between nice sustainable handsy naked makeouts and other stuff that can't comfortably go on for as long at a stretch.
Yeah Jaeha also cannot sustain the most strenuous of these activities for a whole hour but he's such a junkie for the feeling of touching someone who guides him as well as the guiding itself.
Eventually they do wind down—if nothing else, it is the end of the work day, and Jaeha himself's done three dungeons today so he's kinda beat—but Jaeha can snuggle afterwards before he's gotta teleport back to Korea to be yelled at by Wo Do-in.
Snuggles. Snuggles during which Haru doesn't feel an overwhelming itch to carry on a conversation! He's almost totally clear! Even if Jaeha leaves suddenly he can probably finish up getting down to baseline with an hour of putting his feet on Yamanaka's feet and reading a goddamn book. Snug snug snug.
He's adorable.
"I should get your number," he observes to the air after a bit of companionable silence.
"Mm-hm," Haru agrees, and he makes no immediate move to remove his face from Jaeha enough to recite such a thing.
He. Should go home.
He kind of doesn't want to.
It's kind of late.
He kind of doesn't care.
Woo Do-in is yelling at him through text messages he should probably deal with that actually.
Can he justify staying longer? ...realistically, yes, but...
"I should actually get going, probably." He wishes he could've said that with his brain instead of his mouth.
Alright, he can write the numbers down, and... Haru going to mind if he just... gets up and starts putting his clothes on...?
That's fine with Haru. "Do you want me to escort you past Cricket or - I suppose you're probably teleporting so never mind."
"Is Cricket likely to attack me or just insult me? I've got a pretty thick skin."
"I'm mostly confident in his ability not to be the first to initiate physical... contact, he'd probably take petting him in the wrong direction amiss even if that's not strictly speaking violence."
"I'm probably safe, then. But you are correct that I'll just teleport, so it's moot anyway."
"I feel like I should say 'Anytime!' but that'd be pleasantry, we'll probably need to align schedules. A disadvantage of not being official partners."
"Oh my father would hate it if I moved. Which makes me want to do it more rather than less, but that subject is perhaps one for the future."