The dungeon is in Korea, but as an esper with a pretty specialised power niche Haru is used to occasionally having to go international for these dungeons, and the fact that he already speaks Korean is definitely a bonus. The espers he's going to be working with are all in Quasar Guild, which is the largest one in Korea and which has just recently acquired a very powerful teleportation esper, one whose power can be stored in batteries Quasar also happened to already have in its possession, so they're covering the teleportation cost for Haru to get there.
He'll talk to reporters! Parasocial's better than nothing and it's often easier to schedule Reading The Comments than it is to schedule real live human beings. He will make sure the folks he tagged with doodads are holding up okay! He will message Yamanaka Junko one (1) emoji which she will be able to decode according to their lookup table to indicate that he is going to show up to the silo to put his feet on her feet within thus and such an expected time frame! He will tell Cricket and his parents that he is unscathed by the dungeon! He will see if the support staff need any stuff they don't have!
Korean reporters are not as used to him as Japanese ones so they're super curious and would love to get some sound bites. Most of them don't even know who he is, really, but they'll take what they can get and espers are usually so reserved, especially Quasar ones, so this is novel.
Is this his first time in Korea? Is he new to Quasar? His Korean is very good for a Japanese person! Oh, he's Canadian? His Korean is even more impressive for a Canadian person! Had he worked with Quasar before? Had he worked with Lee Tae-gun before? What is Lee Tae-gun like? Had he met Quasar's hot new teleporter before? Does Quasar have plans for his teleportation power? Etc etc etc etc.
He's been to Korea once before on vacation with his mom! He's just met all of the lovely folks of Quasar today, but they seem great! Lee Tae-gun didn't talk much but he seems dedicated and goal-oriented, which is what you want in a dungeoneer! The new teleporter is very cool, but Haru doesn't know much about Quasar's plans what with how he mostly operates in Japan and on specialty deployments suited for his powers!
The other espers step out immediately after that, all looking pretty backlashed. Park Yoo-min looks like he's having a lot of trouble controlling muscle spasms, but the kind of trouble where he's mostly succeeding, and grinning while he's at it.
Choi Seungjoo is leaning heavily on him though it's not otherwise obvious what's wrong with him.
Min Woo-young is brought out on a floating stretcher made of ice, looking like he can't move anything at all other than his head and hands.
(He doesn't look cold at all, though.)
And Lee Tae-gun, the person who conjured the ice stretcher, looks...
...perfectly fine. His hair's a little bit messier than it was when he walked in, his clothes a bit disheveled, but otherwise he looks completely unbothered.
Wow how does he do that. Haru wants whatever he's smoking. And then he wants to inhale a kilo of it and go PLAY CIVILIZATION ALONE IN HIS ROOM FOR EIGHT HOURS.
He adopts a magazine smile and waves for the cameras recording and/or taking pictures of him and, once he's successfully transferred Min Woo-young to a proper stretcher from the med team and unconjured the ice, opens the blue holographic screen accessing his computer system and uses it to teleport away.
"Forgive Tae-gun, he's a very busy man," says a person who knows for a fact being busy is not at all the reason Tae-gun teleported away.
"How does he do that? Or should I not ask, I suppose that just took a bunch of selfies with complete strangers and probably looked fine in them and it's not because I'm fine and dandy."
"I d-don't kno-o-o-ow," he replies, losing control of his tongue for a moment there. "I'm surp-p-prised to see you he-e-ere still." He grits his teeth then continues. "I thought you'd have gone into isolation."
"My partner's in a dungeon right now, there's no point till she's back, but if there's not a debrief step or anything I can go bother my cat instead of you guys."
"I'll bug you about cat pictures l-l-later but f-for now th-this was straightforward and w-we'll just silo."