"What do you need boy robes for?" inquires Madam Malkins.
"I'm sometimes a boy," the girl explains.
"How about I go look for a familiar and then we meet up – outside Gringotts or something?"
And later, Sadde and her mum are waiting in front of the bank. The former is grinning at her wand but not doing anything with it.
It is shook.
"I understand my daughter has expressed a desire to spend some time at your place."
"Anthony explained this to me," she nods. "It should be allowable, though you may need one of us to explain a few unfamiliar things."
"Well yes, but it wouldn't be wise if you tried touching something unfamiliar. Most things should be safe, but I expect there are hazards to certain items that we're used to? The plants in the greenhouse, for example, some of those can poison you if you touch them."
"It should be fine, then," she smiles. "Anthony can probably explain things if you'd want to ask him."