"If we forget an area of responsibility, I imagine it will be easy to add to the draft afterwards; it is only the skeleton we seek to establish at the moment.
So then the thresholds. There is both the question of who must be consulted--the deliberative body, the consultative body, the Queen--and what assent is required: a majority, two thirds, or three quarters. I doubt we will be able to get three quarters in the final proposal, but we may as well start there and retreat back to two thirds as required." If there are only twenty in the small council, the difference between the two is not very large, but he feels more comfortable with the prospect of finding six defenders for a privilege than nine. It will likely matter more for the large council.
"For issues related to her direct responsibilities, the Queen can rule directly; for issues related to the direct responsibilities of the deliberative body, it may rule directly, with a supermajority required to modify procedures or admit new members and a majority for other business. For minor issues pertaining to the realm, the deliberative body may rule with a majority vote with the approval of the Queen, or a supermajority with the Queen's disapproval. For major issues, the deliberative body may submit a proposal for the consideration of the consultative body on the same standard--majority with the Queen's approval and supermajority without--and the consultative body must approve with a majority for most matters and approve with a supermajority for modifications to the organization of the government." (Felip does not yet think of the 'constitution' as synonymous with the organization of the government, but he means constitutional amendments.)
"The deliberative body meets four times a year, at the turning of the seasons, or by direct summons of the Queen in cases of emergency, until they conclude their business by a supermajority vote of members; the consultative body has until the next regular meeting of the deliberative body to vote on all issues submitted to it, and has no direct meetings.
No doubt we will find much more to discuss in detail--perhaps there will be different requirements for appointing a minister to a term and cutting short that term, for example--but I am eager to hear your thoughts on the sketch."