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"They might have... examples of peaceful arrangements without a single central government. If we're lucky. Then we'd have ideas for what to suggest. But we still have to make that seem like a better idea than conquest, and... Lisara's world has people with something worse than command magic that we don't know if defense magic can protect against. I bet it does, but maybe we just want to make the portal so only Hari species can cross it and ideally so magic can't be done to things on the other side without going there in person. That'd let their humans visit us, but not the other ones, and their humans aren't mages. Mostly. I think. People might feel mostly safe if only non-mages can come visit us, and knowing there are the other kinds of mages on the other side might make people think twice about going there... but I'm not sure, it's just a thought."


"Encouraging some kind of positive-sum interaction, even a very limited one, seems like the kind of thing to try. We can't just go being terrified of what the imperial government will do forever. Two historical ideas I recall are hostages and what I call standoff negotiation. If someone important to each government is invited cordially - or forced not so cordially - to live in the care of the other government, there's a reason to resolve conflicts peacefully lest they kill your hostage. Standoff negotiation was done in the historical past a lot. It's a way of negotiating trade that happened sometimes in ancient times. Each side would leave things on the ground and back off beyond rock-throwing range to let the other side inspect the goods, then the other side would leave their proposed payment and back off so the first side can see if they like it, and so on like that. I'm not sure if we can take anything from that except perhaps creating a neutral zone on some unoccupied planet and conducting negotiation and business there? A place where neither side can lose anything they don't put there."


"Well, I don't think the imperial government would mind taking hostages, but... a neutral place could be better but in practice I expect anywhere like that would be Lisara's and she's not really neutral. Unless we could go through Milliways, but I'm not sure that's any better than a portal straight into Lisara's world. Maybe worse."


"How about - We know Lisara's portal power is a potential threat, and a vector of exposure to all sorts of other potential threats. However, Lisara does not want to start a war, or harm the Hari empire, or have her own state join the empire. To show that we can operate in good faith, Lisara offers to open a portal between a point on Har of your choosing to an unoccupied planet where you can set up whatever wards you want without any other portals being present until you are ready. Then, she will open a portal in a pre-designated spot in the unoccupied planet. The result will be a neutral meeting ground where Har and representatives of the other world can discuss things. Lisara could close the portal between Har and the neutral ground, cutting the empire off, and the empire's wards could prevent any wrongdoing from reaching into Har itself. In this place, discussions can take place and agreements can be made without either side being directly threatened."

"The other thing they might suggest would be command magic on Lisara to not open any portals into Har's universe except under specific conditions. But command magic is-"


"I don't think using command magic on her is a good idea. But how is it not threatening people if they go to negotiate or trade and Lisara could leave them stranded there?"


"Because their web of wards and spells could threaten whoever came to negotiate or trade with them, too."

She glances at the Milliways building.

"Perhaps our friendly vampire's technology can work through portals? That might help. One thing at a time, though."


"That might help, yeah. And it's possible we can make something work with illusions and scrying, I'm just not sure what yet. I still think this would give Lisara a lot of power but it might work out okay."


"Anything that limits Lisara enough that she doesn't have more power over the situation in some ways would have unacceptable other consequences or be unacceptable to her, I think."


"Yeah. Okay. I think I can sort of see how we'd do this, but we probably want to talk to a knowledge mage about whether they can see the kinds of magic people in Lisara's world have before we get the imperial government in on it. And Lisara wanted wards."


"...What kinds of magic people in her world would have? Sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean there."


"So, it'll matter to the imperial government whether they can ask one of their knowledge mages what kind of magic someone they're talking to has. And it'll matter whether we could, say, set up something that would only let people through if they didn't have a specific kind of magic, or something, and the only way I can think of that we could do that is if knowledge magic can tell."


"Aha. Yes, that's something we would like to know. I think miss Dareni is the most convenient knowledge mage? 'No magic' could be a valid parameter even if they can't identify strange foreign kinds of magic, maybe. Though it needs testing."


"Yeah, I expect Dareni can do it if anyone can. Are we ready to get her and an imperial representative?"


"Yes. Part of me wants to continue to be cautious and make plans... But I think I have a blind spot of sorts, where I have gone out of my way not to interact too much with imperial representatives directly. I think just talking to the imperial government like reasonable people will be useful. With some kind of precaution so they don't end up with a Milliways door yet."


"What sort of precaution were you thinking?"


"I and whoever else travels to meet them while Liane holds the door. Though - if they want to control the door as an exercise in threat-reduction, knowing Lisara exists might make it less urgent for them? Ack. I'm doing it again. We should just talk."


"They might demand the door."


"Then perhaps we should ask why, and ask what they will accede to in exchange, after mentioning that Lisara can create portals as well and emphasizing that Milliways does, apparently, turn out high-power people and have categorically sufficient security. They won't start trouble, I think. They're not stupid."


"Okay. We can try that."


"When two groups treat each other with fear, bad things happen. Let's get Dareni in here to check whether she can see other kinds of magic on people and then go. Sound good?"


"Sounds good, yeah."

He opens the door and sends someone to go look for Dareni.


The vampire is suddenly here. It's uncanny. "I'll fetch her. I don't want you two to start a war and ruin all my investments."

Out he goes.


"...Much as it is convenient, appearing like that is rude. And I don't care if he hears it."


Elsewhere, a vampire finds Dareni and explains that there's money to be made and Milliways to be enjoyed.

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