Citadel Station looms large ahead of them, slowly orbiting Telos and casting a broad shadow over the blasted surface below. The Ebon Hawk comes in for a landing in the hangar they're directed to, setting down light as a feather and powering down with barely a complaint. Uthuar and Sharra had done good work on her, with T3-M4's help.
She wraps around him tight and laughs. "Come on. You can bury yourself in my boobs on the bed too. They're not going anywhere."
He burbles a long sigh.
"Alright," he groans, pushing himself up off her. He climbs out of the tub and staggers over to the clothes sonic, pulling out his clean undershorts and shirt.
Sharra doesn't bother with the clothes. Atton has seen everything and more, and Isk is about the same, but with a completely different outlook. She does grab one of the big bath sheets and wrap it around herself. So warm and fluffy.
He is still dripping. He stares down at his clothes, and then up at her bath sheet.
He shoves the clothes back in the sonic and sidles up to her, attempting to get under the sheet too.
She wraps around him like a giant loth-bat! Or maybe a dragon. A wet, fluffy, warm dragon.
Goodgood. Sharra gathers up the extra pillows and blankets and she bundles both of them onto the bed in their own little nest.
Giggles! She loves giggles. She pulls in her ill-gotten hoard close and wraps around him.
Mm, boobs.
He doesn't snore in his sleep, so it's only their bond that makes it obvious when he (almost immediately) passes out.
Sharra spends a little time just listening to him breathe. Pressing her mind close in his...
...+/-2 brings the total to 20, set, draw a 4, end turn, draw an 8, end turn, draw a 7, +1 brings the total to 20, set...
Pazaak. Her enemy. Her one romantic rival. Pah.
She noses more into his hair and let's herself be lulled to sleep with the game. Maybe she'll even learn something....
Her thoughts drift slowly to home. On the shore. Toes in the sand. Luke in the distance, leaning on someone. Laughing. Atton waist deep in the water, eyes sharp, smirk on his face, ready to move at a moment's notice. The boy diving... searching for shells...
The sun is hot on her skin. 18, she doesn't know what's next in the deck, can't remember, should she stand, draw 8...
...-6 brings the total to 20, tie, draw a 7, end turn, draw a 5, end turn, draw a 9-
She wins?
Glare of the sun wavers for a moment. The boy pokes out from the surf, shell in hand. Atton picks him up and balances him on his shoulders. The little girl beside her cries about the sand in her eyes, and she draws a 2.
Atton blinks down at Sharra, fast asleep half under him, and he also blinks water out of his eyes, across the shallows from her.
She pulls the girl into her lap, dusts the sand out of her hazel eyes. Their hair equally silver, shining under the red, hot sun. Sharra kisses her tears away. The boy wants spash!
End turn? She goes to draw another.
He draws a 5, he sets his head down on her chest, watching her eyes flicker behind her eyelids, he lifts the boy off his shoulders and spins him around, letting him go to fly and splash down into the water, end turn-
No, she wants two cards. Draw 8 and 10. The girl climbs out of her lap and runs towards her daddy, end turn.