Citadel Station looms large ahead of them, slowly orbiting Telos and casting a broad shadow over the blasted surface below. The Ebon Hawk comes in for a landing in the hangar they're directed to, setting down light as a feather and powering down with barely a complaint. Uthuar and Sharra had done good work on her, with T3-M4's help.
-Telos is before them, ringing with the echoes of thousands of years of civilization, culminating in the dying screams of millions.
Atton blocks it out automatically. They don't need to hear that, they're listening for a living person.
There are few creatures on the planet, and even fewer people. It's difficult to correlate 'where' someone is in the Force to where they are in physical space, especially over scales like this, but most of them seem collected together in a number of different spots across the surface.
None of them have a presence Sharra would recognize as Kreia's.
I do not know. I did not see outside the ship while it was in flight. We are on the planet, in a facility of some kind. That is all I can say.
Annoying. She was hoping something would go smoothly. Sharra passes forward the image of the person that took the ship.
Do you know who is responsible?
Hmm. She notes this. She has some knowledge of the Echani, fought alongside many during the war.
How many living souls do you feel around you?
Concern for her new droid friend.
Keep at it. If you can escape, do so, but take care. I'll leave an avenue open for you if you need to reach me in the future.
He's actually not sure she even noticed he was there, the way he was hiding under her thought patterns as they spoke.
"I don't think so either," she agrees. "Honestly really amazing. She was one of the more powerful Jedi Masters in the Order, not many people could put things past her."