Citadel Station looms large ahead of them, slowly orbiting Telos and casting a broad shadow over the blasted surface below. The Ebon Hawk comes in for a landing in the hangar they're directed to, setting down light as a feather and powering down with barely a complaint. Uthuar and Sharra had done good work on her, with T3-M4's help.
To the bathroom! He helps her up and speed walks his way there, eager to soak in actual water for the first time in... He actually can't remember.
Sharra all but purrs once they're immersed. Lowering herself down and completely luxuriating in the hot hot water.
She might actually be purring. A low rumble in her chest.
...he leans closer to her and puts his ear against her shoulder.
"What's the purring from?"
- Sharra smile up at him, flashing her sharp canines. Poking them with her tongue.
"Oh really?" And she runs her nails down his upper arm.
"-oh, yeah. I guess those could be Cathar. There's a lot of species with sharp teeth and nails, though."
"Mmm. I don't know where my markings come from." She reaches up to her face, around her eyes and the tops of her cheekbones. Under her freckles and tan skin, her skin is a light patchwork of patterns. Slightly blue and white.
He touches, soft.
"...they're smooth. And a little raised." Probably she knows this though.
She sucks his soapy, wet fingers. And continues to nibble.
Dragons eat people, you know?
Well then. She will just demonstrate her ability to hold her breath under water, how bout?
Later, when she is sated (for now) she pokes at the taps with her toes and holds him close against her chest. Noses his wet hair. Sleepy.
Yes, "Mmmmmm," he half-burbles, his lips being partly under the surface.
His face is enjoying the healing power of boobs, while his ass enjoys the healing power of water. He appreciates both of these things.
Soffpets... a little lick.
"Bed? Need to do - many things tomorrow. Blasters. Investigate. Contacts..." Brain tries to push all thoughts of busy away.
She licks his ear. "My tasty prune love. Need to dry you up before you dissolve completely."