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Blai in Sunnydale
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She is the best chess player he's gotten through more than three games with and he is learning a lot from her!

When she broaches the subject of food, he is going to presumptuously look in the pantry - he doesn't know what the refrigerator is - and find that he's kind of bewildered by everything in it, and give up and go looking for a large pot and a platter of some kind. He expects odd looks for this behavior because he can't exactly say "I have a Create Food today" and he will brave the odd looks unless they escalate to something that might mean "what the fuck are you doing".


...well, she's certainly following him curiously as he rummages through her kitchen, but she's not trying to stop him.


Once he has a large pot and a big plate and a wooden cutting board he is going to make sure she is not imminently interruption-inclined and then start casting a spell over them.


Oh, she wouldn't dream of interrupting this.


Eliza also shows up to spectate.


The spell takes ten minutes and then the pot is full of some kind of cheesy beans-and-greens stew, the cutting board has a neatly stacked pyramid of rolls and miniature pies on it, and the platter is covered in cheese and fruit. He lowballed the amount a bit from its peak - their house doesn't look like they do a lot of entertaining - but it's still more than enough for dinner tonight and breakfast and lunch tomorrow for the three of them.

It will need salt. He didn't find obvious salt anywhere in the pantry so he will go get the rock salt from his bag and start scraping some of it into the stew.


Eliza observes this for a second and then fetches the salt in its cardboard-box-with-spout, pours a bit into her hand, and holds it out for his inspection. Behold: salt.


Oh! How convenient. He will go re-bag his rock salt and sprinkle a generous several palmfuls into the stew and pour a little pile of it on the edge of the cutting board full of bread things.


They can all sit down to a comfy dinner of magic food at the breakfast table in the kitchen, then.

Over dinner, Eliza grabs a notebook and pen and draws a stick figure comic, the art mediocre but legible: civilian fleeing vampires, guy with mace fighting vampires, girl with stake showing up to kill vampires, girl with stake and guy with mace walking along the street toward a house. She draws a prologue panel above them that shows her leaving the house by herself, and an arrow from that to her first appearance below, and an empty square next to it, and an arrow from that toward Blai's first appearance.


Oh, well, he's no great shakes at drawing and the pen is unfamiliar and so is the stick figure idiom, but sure, he can draw his stick figure and the giant snake with a mirror face lunging at him (or... just being in one of the many configurations of snakeyness that snakes can be without much obvious visual suggestion of movement, actually). He traces the border of this drawing with the hand that isn't holding a chicken pie. "Cheliax, Avistan?"


She makes a thoughtful noise, but shakes her head in the not-ringing-a-bell way.




Hmm, okay, she has a guess at what he's getting at. She puts down her own chicken pie and walks off and comes back a minute later holding a globe.


He hesitates in inspecting the Mediterranean but ultimately decides: "Not Golarion." And shakes his head in case the "not" is not clear from context.


"Earth," she says, indicating the globe, and "North America," indicating a particular continent, and "Sunnydale," pointing at its west coast and waving around at the house-at-large and by extension its surroundings. But unless he seems keen to continue this cultural exchange, her next move is to put the globe down and keep eating dinner.


He will study the globe a little bit but then he will also go back to his dinner.


It's got raised topography and colourful markings and some kind of slick coating on the paper covering its surface, and there are a whole lot of places labeled on it. It's also very light and kind of delicate, and that paper is peeling in a couple of places.

Dinner seems to be a hit; Chris and Eliza are munching quite contentedly.


Oh good. This is not a Menadorian farmhouse but this was his plan for arranging hospitality on his trip.


It is unlike a Menadorian farmhouse in so many ways!

Case in point: after dinner, Eliza leaves Chris in the kitchen to put all the extra food away and beckons Blai out to the living room for another game of chess. Her playstyle is different from Chris's but clearly related.




Heh, cute.

Slightly fond smile or no, though, she's sure not going easy on him. And although she has less practice than Chris at chess in particular, her head for strategy is really something.


He has improved today, but like, one day's worth.


He can perhaps look forward to improving further if he stays with these folks for a while.

After playing a few more games, Eliza would like to show him to a guest room upstairs and then, ideally with minimal awkwardness, also show him to the upstairs bathroom and ensure that he understands its most crucial functions.


He definitely has to think about the bathroom a while but if she demonstrates the flush function he will nod.


Oh good. In that case, (an incomprehensible phrase which probably means) goodnight.

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