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Cam in Ghost House
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Cam tears off a little corner of paper.


It crumples itself up and bobs over to the door.


"Don't go too fast, I've got clinically wretched balance."


Bob up down up down up down.  Drift drift down the stairs and out of the way of the door until Cam opens it and into the yard and to a particular tree.


Cam scrutinizes the tree and looks for fallen whirligigs.


There are some!  Not a huge proportion of them are perfectly intact, but he can get a handful within a couple minutes.  The paper wad is laying on the ground when he's done.


"I'm gonna just take two since I'm still not clear on how many you wanted to let me have and I'll leave the other good ones in a pile here in case you want them later."


The paper crumb budges a bit on the ground.


"I'm going to take that as... acknowledgment... maybe should've brought the spinner and the key..." Back he goes.




"Yes, I should have brought the spinner and the key?"


Maybe spelling to follow  B UT   AC K N O W L ED GE


Nod nod. ...he designates a position as "acknowledgment".


I   W A N T   NON S P I N   E R  M O DE  S W I T C H spelling to follow numbers to follow spelling to follow numbers to follow.


"- yeah, valid." He folds up a strip of paper into a little triangle slotted into itself, after some trial and error, and colors in the outer sides - one blank, one solid, one crosshatched. Writes down that blank side down means standard meanings, solid down means letters, crosshatch down means numbers. "You good to flip that over as needed?"


Flip flip flip flip yes.

(Flip)  G R O W  I N G (flip) maybe (flip) T I R ED

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