They perform some more magic tests and run out of mana and recover mana and perform more tests and a second sleepover could be fun but it's decided that people can do coordinated tests in their own places and there is not actually a need for them to all be in the same place. The Maxwells' driver takes Jess home (and Maya, too, if she prefers that to staying with the Maxwells but they assure her she's welcome to stay there), then takes Sadde, Theo, and Tyler to the Farron residence, where Sadde prefers to be dropped—he'll go to his place by public transportation, he'd like to talk to the—twins?—yes, thank you, it was a pleasure meeting you.
"Yes but I want to know what you're talking about that involves shirtlessness and can Theo do it too and can you two do it?"
"You could, like, actually follow through on the teasing, that'd be a good replacement for it."
Shrug. "I was thinking of learning it for the utility, actually. Knowing how to use a sword could help use the card, knowing how to do martial arts could help in general if we encounter more cards."
"Yeah, but the cards are limited by your magical potential so presumably it doesn't give you all of it and you don't have practice without it so it might be somewhat overwhelming and it would probably be preferable to know some techniques anyway." He rubs his eye a bit. "Plus I want to learn to use a sword."
"I would have queried Cerberus on a wider variety of things beforehand and tried to practice using the cards for more things, which you eventually got around to but didn't do all that much towards the start."
"None are coming to mind right now, but I haven't thoroughly tested what my limits are with the cards or even what some of them can properly do – things related to a concept is broad, my magic capacity seems likely to differ from Theo's because he's the Cardcaptor, and some of the things seem like they could be useful as passive defences – the Lock could be used to keep things in your bag, like other cards, safe."
"The Shadow – conceptually it might help with stealth, in general, the Glow could help with the opposite, attracting attention, though it might not be able to do that without bright lights, and – I think but am not certain that the Twin won't work on the cards?"