They perform some more magic tests and run out of mana and recover mana and perform more tests and a second sleepover could be fun but it's decided that people can do coordinated tests in their own places and there is not actually a need for them to all be in the same place. The Maxwells' driver takes Jess home (and Maya, too, if she prefers that to staying with the Maxwells but they assure her she's welcome to stay there), then takes Sadde, Theo, and Tyler to the Farron residence, where Sadde prefers to be dropped—he'll go to his place by public transportation, he'd like to talk to the—twins?—yes, thank you, it was a pleasure meeting you.
Salmons and Carmines in Cardverse
"Hoping it wouldn't move too fast? And-or using Windy – that is to say no I don't, feel free to offer ideas!"
Theo eyes it suspiciously. "And for some reason stopped, we think because of a sorcerer?"
And then, after a few moments, "Time, our loyal friend, marching along beside us, I call upon you to slow down the card we find ourselves against, aid us in stopping it and its harm!"
It is a very wide crack!
" doing time magic is possible but costs basically infinity mana."
"Could try calling upon the sun and the moon to halt it somehow, instead of time to literally freeze around it."