They perform some more magic tests and run out of mana and recover mana and perform more tests and a second sleepover could be fun but it's decided that people can do coordinated tests in their own places and there is not actually a need for them to all be in the same place. The Maxwells' driver takes Jess home (and Maya, too, if she prefers that to staying with the Maxwells but they assure her she's welcome to stay there), then takes Sadde, Theo, and Tyler to the Farron residence, where Sadde prefers to be dropped—he'll go to his place by public transportation, he'd like to talk to the—twins?—yes, thank you, it was a pleasure meeting you.
Theo shrugs. "I can meditate from home, and last time it was within range for me to find it, so it shouldn't be too far out, if I just keep trying to catch it."
Theo meditates a couple of times on the way to make sure it doesn't suddenly reappear!
"Only if they weren't free... Cards that are sealed aren't detectable when they're not being used."
"… Probably?" Pause. "But I didn't notice that dad was magical for a while – and now he's not – and so maybe, like, it's got a range based on how powerful the magic is. … Or something."
"And while that's possible and maybe likely, we should still probably think about what happened if it wasn't just captured."
"Card mysteriously stopped of its own accord? Except they don't do that, Kero said, so – I dunno? Not unless he's wrong about that?" Pause. "You have to be magical to catch cards, right?"
"So it can't just be some stealthy non-magical person catching them for some reason, it'd be it stopped of its own accord, which doesn't happen, or got taken by someone – or, could it be damaged somehow? Accidentally knocked something onto itself and got knocked unconscious-or-whatever?"
"So the options here are – unprecedented stopping, which, could happen but would be unprecedented? Or being captured by someone, who then took it away." Pause. "What about if – could someone have captured it, then got it to do this for, like, however long, while not actually being around? Like, give it commands to follow without them actually being present?"