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"I'll introduce everybody to Andi at some point. It's weird you don't have Andis."


"I don't even have parents!"


"It's weird that Andis don't come standard," amends the new Bell.


<I would be very disconcerted to be told most of me only had three brothers> he agrees. <Also Cayaldwin wants to know if demonically-made brains contain all the information content of the brain but are just magically not minds, and if so if anyone has wished for the ability to make them start being minds.>


"No one has wished for that. They might or might not; checking isn't as straightforward as it is with Space Elf chips. Boots doesn't read anything off basement-dwellers, neither does my emotion gauge, but I suppose that doesn't guarantee that the information isn't there."


<Do you read anything off demonically made space Elf chips, before or after the procedure that makes them usable? Do you read them off people who are dead but whose brains are still intact and with all the information content present?>


"Haven't checked and no."


<After the war is straightened out he may want to try that, then.>


"That's a really good idea."


<I will tell him that you said so.>


"If he means to make the wish himself he'll want a backup in case it doesn't go through, there's a very brief window after noticing a failed wish in which you can fit a safer try."


He sends this as well. He is rocking back and forth happily at the prospect of having resurrection in less than decades.


"Cam tried braindeath-then-resuscitation and it didn't work but nobody thought of a wished power for it, how did we not think of that -"


<Less motivation? Are we the first set with really-irrevocably-gone dead loved ones?>


"T'Mir's dad is dead, and your human alt's grandparents..."


<I hope it works.>


Nod nod.


<Do we want to conduct the osanwë experiments before we plan the war?>


"That seems like it depends on whether we expect the war to involve having to check lots of people for unwanted Yeerks."


<It seems like if we do a good job it really should not require that - there are tens of millions of Controllers, it would be quite a chore.>


"So not urgent; there are ways already to do smaller numbers of checks."




"We can tell Elspeth no rush, then. You'll like Elspeth," she adds to Matirin.


<She should be told that Yeerking people gets their procedural knowledge and skillsets and languages.>


"This will not bother her. Elspeth is really into the free sharing of the contents of her brain. She contains some memories that are not her own and whoever's going in might not want to look at those - I mean, keeping them genuinely secret is a lost cause once Elspeth has them but they can at least be needles in a haystack - but she's not going to mind a bit about anything that's hers to theoretically mind about."

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