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Epic's conjuring has adjacency limits, so they go to Aurum (not the Golden Empire itself, the planetoid Cam put down for passing teleporters.) It does not, Epic observes, have any grass, and Andalites like grass, right? He will go around filling up big swathes of it with grass. Different kinds of grass, in case the Andalites have flavor preferences. This whole section will be terraformed like the Andalite home planet, why not. He flies while he does this and seems exceptionally pleased with himself and also now there's resurrection resurrection is great he wonders if they should resurrect his Materian self or if that'd be more like forking him because his Materian self is probably in one of the Materian afterlives not dead dead. He can also fork himself even though he's not a Space Elf!

(Island thinks that this kind of resurrection might not work on flat Elves because of the Elven soul thing and that even if it does work, it is not very likely that anyone with the resurrection power will want to use it to fork anyone before it has been used to resurrect everyone who they can.)

Epic lands and conjures some catalogues and they look through them for things Vanda Nossëo can sell. Epic can conjure Escafil devices just fine. He does this, gives himself morphing, makes tissue samples of every creature he has ever heard of and acquires them and prances around as Glaurung for a while and then remembers there was a dragon even bigger than Glaurung mentioned in the histories in Sad Arda (yet unnamed) and what was it called?

...Ancalagon, Island says, "it was called Ancalagon and it supposedly had the wingspan of a mountain range so maybe it's not a good idea to -"

Epic thinks it is a good idea. Epic has a tissue sample and now Epic is becoming a dragon with the wingspan of a mountain range and this is going to seriously damage and perhaps destroy the planetoid so Epic teleports himself into space to finish turning into a dragon with the wingspan of a mountain range. He makes air around the dragon and flaps and cackles gleefully. 


(Island looks through the catalogues. Morphing will sell well; the pocket translators might do, being demon-makable and thus slightly more scalable than Allspeak wands, not that there's a shortage of Allspeak wands. The defanged Gleet biofilters will sell well. The Andalites have the nicest artificial gravity he's yet seen. He asks Epic to conjure for more species, and gets far far more than he can handle, dispatches it to Space for a few hundred thousand people to sift through for relevance.

I'm going home to show Bella! Epic says.

"Remember we don't think you can jump dimensions while in morph," Island says, and the dragon undragons into a nearly-fourteen-year-old Elf with demon wings. 

"Yeah, yeah," he says, and pops Shadow-Edda-Space-Hell-Revelation-home.

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Boots is in her bungalow with her boyfriend.


Elf hair is soft.


Pop! "Bella I can turn into a dragon! Bella Rúmil I can turn into a dragon! Um."


Bella and Rúmil have their hair unbraided.



Boots is telekinetic and some hasty telekinesis later they do not have their hair unbraided.



"Um. Sorry.


I can turn into a dragon!!!"






"What kind of dragon?"


"Any kind of dragon! Any kind of thing, actually. I shouldn't do it here because I turned into a dragon with a wingspan of a mountain range and that's really big and kind of wasn't good for the planetoid and this planet's bigger but it still might not be good."


"...not doing it here sounds prudent, then."


"Yeah! I could turn into you, though! Can I turn into you? Or there's a way to do it all blendy, I could do both you and Rúmil and then I would look like I was your kid, which.




Sorry about not knocking. I know I'm supposed to."


"Knocking is really preferable. Where did this new ability even come from?"


"Have you not been reading the crystal ball chat? I guess it all did happen pretty fast..."


"I saw there was a new Bell, but nobody had asked for me in particular, and T'Mir said she'd take point so I got some other things done. New Bell is handing out 'turn into stuff'?"


He makes an Escafil device. "It's called morphing. You can get the DNA of anything that has DNA and then you can turn into it. The new world was really bad but it's okay now and also T'Mir has her dad back!"


"That explains why she's taking point."


"So, it's another crowded no-magic world like Warp, and there are aliens, and some of the aliens are Yeerks. Yeerks are slug-things -" he makes a basement-dweller Yeerk so he can acquire it -"that crawl inside your brain and learn everything about you and then control your body and impersonate you. There's another kind of aliens that are called Andalites. My alt's an Andalite. The Andalites fight the Yeerks. They landed on Earth and they ran into the Bell and she wanted to help of course and the me was dead so the Maitimo was in charge and after they won the war against the Yeerks he said Bella should be the ruler of Earth because she was good at it so they worked on it and now she is. And they've got aging and healing through morph and lots of Andalite technology, I helped Vanda Nossëo find some they could sell, and by the end of the war it was just the Maitimo and the Curufin and so when they met everybody they were like 'hey, what if someone wished-on the power to make basement-dwellers have minds-"


"- does that work?"


"Yeah! The Curufin wished it to get our family back and then it turned out you can only resurrect people you feel really strongly about, unless you wanna be a magic rock and the Andalites didn't want to be a magic rock because it interfered with morphing and we don't know for sure if songs work on them, so then the Maitimo also wished it because he feels really strongly about all of the people who died when their Earth got dented. And Gem's going to find some other people to wish it so we can put Vulcan back and stuff."


"Sounds awesome."


"Yeah! And I can morph a grownup -" he concentrates - "I can't morph a grownup! Ugh stupid stupid adjacency ugh."


"Nobody checked adjacency on the turning into things power?"


"It works in Aurum and there didn't seem any reason it would have an adjacency limit, it's tech, not magic, usually it's just magic that has that, and I can make a cube here just fine..."


"Well, I don't know enough to speculate."


He's pouting. "Well, I can turn into a dragon but only near Cube, I guess. Also the evil Yeerk empire is still a thing so they're going to make it go away."


"That's very good news."


Nod nod.


"Well I was gonna teach you to morph but I guess I can't. And you were. Busy. And. I guess I will go to Vanda Nossëo and tell them not to make morph cubes but the biofilters'll still sell great."

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