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"Mine doesn't, but Space Arda and Warp do - differently. And Edda's probably got a dozen kinds."


"We do it by taking shortcuts through z-space. I can get you a local physics textbook."


"Not my comparative advantage, but we can drop it off where it will be eagerly devoured."


"Are there alive versions of my father anywhere?"


"Lots. Most of them are Elves, some of those used to be dead and got brought back because that's easy with Elves, one's a human, there's one who's a dead human in another place where we don't have generic resurrection."


"I think I am really going to enjoy teaching versions of my father physics. - I should probably let Cayaldwin do it, really, but perhaps we could split them - we will find it differently cathartic -"


"Which one's he - birth order's less fuzzy than name resemblance - anyway there are well over a dozen of your father if you count all the Space forks, Space Elves can fork, I think you can justify splitting it up. Especially if one of you is fonder of kids, because one of 'em's yea high -" He hovers his hand.


"Really? I have no idea what to do with a human child. Or Elf child? Get him a proper Andalite technical education and absolutely no Andalite cultural education, I suppose. Cayaldin is my surviving brother. Fifth in birth order. He is the one who figured out a workaround for the major limitation of morphing so we could use it for immortality."


"Elf child, although if you pretend to be under the impression that he's a demon he will be delighted, he's sort of enamored with the concept and has acquired wings and a version of the matter creation power to match."


"...okay. Are we going to need to ask him for whatever we need to win this war, because that will add complications -"


"Uh, no, one of me is an actual demon, you can go through him if you don't want to ask Epic. Epic being tiny-your-dad, he's the only one who's picked a nickname."


"My father got a lot of people killed before he died. It would be - complicated."


"...Epic might actually be less complicated than Cam, since, uh, Epic hasn't killed anybody at all and Cam found it necessary to drop a black hole on an inhabited planet."


"If we could not save Earth we were going to kill everyone on it."


"Makes perfect sense to me. So, up to you whether to ask Cam or Epic for your arbitrary matter. If the arbitrary matter is not sensitive - so not morph cubes, but if you want a ton of diamonds or something like that - you can also get a demon by going adjacent to their world and summoning one, but there's some infosec around what demons in general are allowed to know. Long-term project on evaluating some for higher clearance is in progress."


"I do not actually know yet what we want. The first solution that comes to mind is 'a fleet suggestive of a military power so far beyond Andalites and Yeerks that neither one will be silly enough to try picking a fight with it, which shows up and announces the terms on which everyone can surrender' but that assumes you could react fast enough to stop some vindictive or merely amoral-and-game-theory-inclined general from blowing up a planet. If you cannot do that - what is the range and capacity and specificity on the teleportation -"


"Range is... close enough to visual? You don't strictly have to be looking at a thing but you need about that much information about where it is. Capacity is 'we have seriously considered moving an entire planet a few dimensions over as an easy backup plan', specificity is basically what you want it to be."


"So if you knew someone had a Yeerk you could teleport it out, but you could not go over to a planet and teleport all and only the Yeerks elsewhere."


"Yeah, pretty much. However, you could get a demon to find where all the Kandrona generators were - they can do scale models of stuff - and then go to a planet and remove all of those."


"So maybe we do that, offer that if Yeerks congregate we will evacuate them - that should visibly not be an Andalite endeavor - are there empty dimensions? Ristrell just keeps all the ones who did not have independent inclinations towards getting consent from hosts in the pool, but if they did not have a means of hurting any other species I would have no hesitations about just giving them all morph, they do not like being alone but they could pair up, and then once the culture's changed to favor voluntarism they can come back and infest humans - there are a ton of humans who think it is a great deal -"


"There are no uninhabited worlds but there are some that have only one inhabited planet in them."


"That does not thrill me. Any worlds full of indestructible people?"


"Four of 'em. Daeva worlds and Limbo. Limbo they're just indestructible, daeva are demons and two other things with different and only moderately less ridiculous powers."


"Would any of those be acceptable places to put a lot of Yeerks, if morphing does work outside this dimension?"


"I wouldn't want to put them in contact with the Limboites or daeva because of demonic infosec - the four worlds all correspond - but Limbo is an infinite flat plane and most of it is not being used and it's got atmosphere all the way up, maybe that would make it prohibitive for them to go find people?"

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