SHe'd almost looked forward to the nonsexual intimacy stage, when he'd thought he'd be able to do it with Asher.
He does his best to hide how miserable he is.
"From my perspective," she says dryly, "the thing you're sorry for is the single best thing you did for me in my entire life."
"You've stolen four of my students this session. A new record."
"I don't ever force a decision on kids, you know. I just... give them information, help if they need it, some time to think."
"There are more important things in life than me being happy."
"I love you. I don't want you to be miserable. If God loves you he also doesn't want you to be miserable. Or he's shitty and confused about what love is."
"Your nuanced grasp of the problem of evil is astonishing in its subtlety."