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Raine folds her arms in and leans against his chest, tucks her face into Marlo's shoulder. 

Lets herself cry, just a little, very quietly. 


And Marlo wraps his arms around her and strokes her hair and holds her. 


Next Monday, Christine says in group, "you've all done very well! You have all"-- she glances at Marlo-- "made progress in overcoming your homosexuality. Today, for the first time, you're going to put it into practice. We're going to introduce you to the girls' side."


Marlo, who has made the exact opposite of progress in overcoming his homosexuality, does not comment. 


...Hillary and Sinead already know her by her real name. It's not a great comfort but it's some. 


"Today the girls will be merging in with us, but we will alternate."


A woman enters, followed by half a dozen girls.


Raine scans the group, looks for the one who looks the least like she came to this camp on purpose. 


That would probably be the short-haired girl in an excessive quantity of eyeliner who leers at Raine as soon as she catches her looking. 


Indeed it would be. 

She smiles and doesn't break eye contact. 


She very conspicuously looks Raine up and down and then licks her lips. 


Raine isn't usually into girls. She's going to be anxious about that later. 

At the moment she conspicuously looks the girl up and down and then grins at her. 


The girl drapes herself dramatically over a chair. 


"Now, then, who would like to begin?"


"My name's Harry Hook," the girl says, "I play guitar, and I looooooove dick." 




Harry gives a put-upon sigh and says, "My name is Harriet Snyder, I play guitar, and I'm a recovering homosexual."


Oh, relatable. 

"My name's Ghost Michaels, I'm in drama, and I'm a recovering homosexual." 


"I'm Lev Aarons, I like psychology, and I'm a recovering homosexual."


Clayton, Andre, and Dolph introduce themselves.


He debates whether to describe himself as recovering or not, decides it's probably better to just say it. 

"I'm Marlo Lane, I do metalworking, and I'm a recovering homosexual." 


The girl in black lipstick is Sinead, who likes monster stories and is a recovering homosexual; the British girl is Hillary, who went to boarding school and is a recovering homosexual; the very pretty bored-looking one is Graham, who likes hiking and is a recovering homosexual; the one with the buzzcut is Jan, who plays softball and is a recovering homosexual; the peppy blonde is Megan, who is a cheerleader and a recovering homosexual. 


Jan is cute. He glances at her a lot.

(He is very good at being straight!)


He's going to have to try to date one of these people; the part of his brain that decided to date Melissa thinks he should go with Graham, but given that everyone here knows about Melissa it might make more sense to date Sinead instead. (Having this thought process consciously is deeply uncomfortable, but he can't actually avoid thinking it.) 


"For your first session, we're going to do some unstructured conversation and let you get to know each other."

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