The sugar runes scatter.
The lights flicker.
And the witch is holding -
"I'm not positive I formulated it right, to be fair, I'm not experienced at this and only being allowed three is limiting."
The alethiometer says tree forty.
"Yes! And we can check if it's actually answering the question I meant to ask - well, we can get some evidence, anyway - when we have the rematch."
"—the rematch? I'm dreadfully curious. Get me another question, maybe a simpler one with an obvious answer."
He relays this. "I wonder if it will pick up on valid questions even if no one around thought about them, or recently."
"Yeah. I also suspect one of our daemons wouldn't count as someone not around even if they're actually far away from us. I wonder if there are books with, like, example questions and answers?"
"I'll see if the librarian knows anything about it."
Off he goes to ask, while Luca hops onto the alethiometer.
"Hi! I was wondering if you had any books on alethiometers but not just dictionaries. Something that would have sample questions and answers would be what I'm looking for."
"Book on the history of alethiometers. Might have some stuff, but I'm not sure how to get to a question without accidentally reading it."