The sugar runes scatter.
The lights flicker.
And the witch is holding -
"Well, food for thought.—and I should probably go exchange my NZ dollars, at some point, shouldn't I."
"There's a bank a few blocks east of here but I don't know if random banks do currency exchange."
"I don't think random ones do except maybe here they do, I hadn't been to the US before so I can just guess." Shrug.
"We did not expect to be back to civilisation quite this soon. Should we find a library with an alethiometer dictionary?"
She hops on her cloudpine and drifts out the door and down the street at a leisurely pace.
"You can zoom around and wait for me at the end if you want, although Luca might want to race you."
.......he tries to resist the urge. He really does.
He succumbs, though, and tries to catch up with her.
He lands in front of her. "It was the head start," he claims, picking at his feathers with his beak.
"I'll tell Sadde where to meet us," he says, then takes off again, flying extremely quickly. Maybe something to prove.