Fairy Godmother concludes the portal-making spell with a last "bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!"
"Sometimes I can think my way around it but I'm not... very good at thinking my way around things."
Somehow the first response that comes to mind is, "What kind of a king doesn't say fuck???"
"Saying fuck will probably not make you any better at running a country, anyway. It's just weird." He sounds a little affectionate there.
"Good point."
Definitely a little affectionate. And his smile may be small but it's the happiest he's looked since he got here.
Then Ben will take him to a spare bedroom in a corner of his castle and not Auradon Prep.
On the way there, Tazalkyran might notice that everything seems like a bizarre mix of medieval and modern: there are castles and armor, but people are wearing blue jeans and talking on cell phones.
Yeah, he definitely notices that. The medieval elements are sort of half-familiar—stylistically different from what he's used to, but broadly recognizable in form and function—but he's never seen a cellphone before and blue jeans are pretty strange too.
"Sorry to run," Ben says, "but I'm afraid I have to go talk to the Chinese about some complicated trade stuff. I'll be back soon and Asher can answer any of your questions."