Fairy Godmother concludes the portal-making spell with a last "bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!"
a Serg in Disney Descendants
EEE he is SNUGGLING his ASHER while WAITING for his DATE with BEN and this is all together the BEST DAY IT IS POSSIBLE TO HAVE, or at least if there are any possible improvements he is too busy being delighted to think of them.
Sigh. "Yeah, good plan." Even though it involves NOT TOUCHING ASHER, which sounds TERRIBLE ACTUALLY.
He kisses Asher's cheek and goes to figure out the shower. It doesn't take him too terribly long. There, now he is clean, ish. He should... borrow some more of Asher's clothes, that seems like the obvious next step here?
Oh look, the face is back. "You found me clothes that look nice on me and fit me less badly than your other clothes! I love you."
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