Fairy Godmother concludes the portal-making spell with a last "bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!"
"Auradon-- that's the world you're on-- actually has a lot of kinds of sentient nonhuman. Most animals that live around humans are sentient, although they can't communicate without magic. There are genies, mermaids, gods, ancestor spirits--"
"Loa don't count, they're from another world to begin with. --But yes, if you count other worlds we're in contact with, there are even more kinds."
"Yes. So. Be nice to animals, they're people even though they can't talk. Most other nonhumans are very powerful and very easily offended, so try to avoid them. Fairy Godmother is not that easily offended, fortunately--"
"I don't think you should assume-- Heartwrightland, or whatever his world is called-- has all the same taboos ours does. Neverland and Wonderland and the Isle don't."
"Okay, yeah, Wonderland doesn't count."
For some reason Asher punctuates this observation with a backflip.
"...fairies turn people into frogs when they're offended? And—which animals are people, exactly? And why doesn't Wonderland count?"
"Animals become people if they spend time around dense concentrations of humans or mermaids, or around a fairy who doesn't move around much-- the ambient magic turns them into people. As a rule, fairies take etiquette very very seriously and punish rudeness harshly, and the things they consider to be rude are not always obvious. Wonderland-- Asher do you want to explain Wonderland--"
"Wonderland's citizens include a Mad Hatter, a March Hare, and a Dormouse who celebrate their unbirthdays rather than their birthdays. They're having an eternal tea party at a very large circular table, and they never run out of food because every time they're running low they just move three seats along the table.
"That... doesn't sound like a real thing. I mean, it sounds even less like a real thing than all the other crazy nonsense that's happened today."
"So. Not assuming you're a normal Auradonian-- Auradon has a government. Ben is in charge of it. You're from another world and Ben likes you, so if you break the law by accident most of the time he will just make it disappear--"
"Yes, you do. But you shouldn't touch people unless they say it's okay, you definitely shouldn't fight anybody or kill them, you shouldn't take things unless you know it is an okay thing for you to take-- do you need an explanation of the concept of money--"
"...We have money where I'm from. We have... laws, too. Though not one against touching people. I don't think I'll have trouble, though."
"It's not that those are actually the rules, it's that I was-- trying to come up with the simplest rule that would definitely not get you to commit any felonies, assuming that you have never heard of the concept of governments? You can also take things if they are, like, leaves. --Neither Neverland nor the Isle has a government."
"All the kingdoms of Auradon had pretty similar laws before they were united, so probably just follow the laws of your home kingdom and I will clear it up if it turns out that actually kidnapping is not illegal in your home kingdom or something."
"Kidnapping is illegal in my home kingdom," he assures them. "Anyway, I couldn't do a lot of those things even if I wanted to. I'm under a curse. Do you have those here?"