Fairy Godmother concludes the portal-making spell with a last "bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!"
"I don't wanna break you even if somebody can fix you afterward," he says, and then rather than continue having a conversation about it he goes back to aggressively sucking Asher's dick.
He licks and sucks and drags his teeth up Asher's shaft and digs his fingers hard into the fresh wound on his thigh. There is a probably inadvisable amount of blood, especially considering how much Asher has already bled today. It's fine. It'll be fine. He loves him so fucking much.
It is so extremely fine!
Asher feels so good and happy and loved and also he is a little light-headed.
Asher is the most loved!
(so good, so so good, so beautiful and precious and perfect, protect him from all harm, hurt him and fuck him and love him and give him everything he's ever wanted and keep him warm and happy and safe safe safe—)
And Asher is very suddenly not bleeding at all from anywhere.
He is still, however, a bit too horny to think about the implications of this.
—he can feel Asher healing under his hand, pushing his fingers up out of the cut.
A lot of things today has been the hottest thing that has ever happened to him but this one is the most hottest.
(mine mine mine good pretty good safe good mine)
He's not hurting? That's kind of weird.
It is hard to think about things with Tazalkyran's mouth on his dick though.
And Tazalkyran is definitely still sucking his dick, because right now it is so incredibly important to get Asher off as spectacularly as possible. He doesn't have any open wounds to dig his fingers into anymore but he can make some pretty impressive bruises just with his hands if he puts the effort in.
Yay pain!
He grabs Tazalkyran's hair without noticing whether he hurts him and starts to fuck his mouth and finishes.
Having his hair pulled is maybe not ideal but he's honestly too thrilled about the entire rest of this situation to bother minding.
He swallows and pulls his mouth off Asher's dick and snuggles up with his face buried against Asher's neck. There is not a lot going on in his mind besides good pretty good soft good safe good mine.
"Do we?"
If it's important enough that Asher wants to do something other than sex it's probably pretty damn important.
"--There's lots of stuff we don't know about true love magic because it's a once-in-a-lifetime thing and it never happens to lots of people at all. We just did true love magic twice in one afternoon."
"Wow. I was just—it wasn't even anything special, I was just having a lot of feelings, I have a lot of feelings all the damn time when I'm not cursed." He kisses Asher's cheek and sits up. "I don't have a clue where any of my clothes are."
He's getting dressed.
"I don't know how we can aim it-- all of Auradon's most obvious problems are hard to fix with magic. You don't want to mind-control people into not being racist."
"...I don't want to mind-control people into not being racist," he agrees, although a little wistfully. "'S a pity mind-controlling people is so terrible, though."
"You could maybe try, I don't know, 'all the black people in Louisiana are on an island somewhere else with their houses and stuff', but that might be too big even for you."