Fairy Godmother concludes the portal-making spell with a last "bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!"
"So at the very least you can heal Asher," he says. "I assume last time was also a healing?"
He closes his eyes and leans into Asher—he can feel the tension in his body, the concern for his friend—Asher loves Ben, he's pretty sure, maybe not Like That but enough that it hurts him to see Ben hurt, and things are not allowed to hurt Asher. Asher is precious and must be protected.
He also should maybe have taken five minutes to explain to Tazalkyran what's known about how this magic works—no, don't be mad at him, have to want to fix him, can't let anything get in the way—
He's pretty sure he's got the right feelings going. He holds onto them, holds onto Asher, and reaches for Ben, in case he needs to touch whatever he's trying to fix.
"I am so sorry," Asher says, and kisses Tazalkyran, grabs his hand, and shoves it down his pants.
—oh come on, don't do that, you'll make him laugh and then he'll have to wrestle his feelings around all over again—
Fine, he can do this if Asher thinks it'll help.
He kisses Asher deeply and gropes his crotch and focuses all his heart and will on how much he needs to save Asher's friend.
"Seems like it would be pretty hard to want to heal me badly enough if Fairy Godmother is right there able to do it."
"Well, I thought it was funny." He takes his hand out of Asher's pants and hugs him again.
"So we learned that Tazalkyran can heal me, and I learned slightly more about how homosexual sex works. Two birds one stone."
Asher has been distracted from his anger by kind of wanting Tazalkyran and Ben to make out.
"I'm glad you think that, because I plan to ruthlessly exploit that fact about you to make everyone in Auradon safe and happy and flourishing."