Scott has just finished up a day at school and is looking for a quiet afternoon on the rez.
Quil is trying to argue with Embry about some dumb show they're watching, and he just listens, trying not to laugh.
He sips his soda.
Cool. Fernanda just finds that more comfortable. And she has no modesty.
Exercises continue until it is time for dinner.
Fernanda can, once again, lead the way.
He looks like a lost puppy even when he's happy.
Fernanda is really not equipped to deal with lost puppies.
Fernanda offers him a towel for him to sit - this a polite custom among nudists - Fernanda avoids the need by simply floating in the air.
Katur and Felicia are used to Fernanda's nudity, he kisses her forehead absently, then feels self-conscious when he remembers Scott is there.
At least the dinner smells good.
Goat meat with mushrooms and vegetables. Baked apple covered with honey for dessert. Some kind of juice from a fruit he has never hear of but tastes of strawberies mixed with honey.
Scott samples the goat meat.
He decides to stick to the vegetables.
"Thanks for everything. Letting me stay here, the food...I appreciate it."
"Don't worry about it. We are just doing what we would like to have been done to us if the situation was reversed."
"Likely, someone is going to try to make it a profitable opportunity by keeping the Elsewhere and related worlds a secret. Magic in our own Earth is a secret because of that, people, there are just too many people that benefit from having the advantage of knowing that magic exists and they stop anyone who tries to change that."
"They don't like kill people," Felicia adds, "or at least not as a norm. They just make sure that any claims that magic exists will be disbelieved."
"They don't have to kill people. We have secret magic already, we'll adapt. What can I do to keep people at home safe?"
"It is going to depend how they will react. Most of the time people aren't interested in interfering with our Earth besides doing business with an informational and resource advantage. Regardless we should introduce your tribe to sorcery."
"The interactions between your shapeshifting and sorcery are definitely worth exploring, and is only efficient if part of the exploration be conducted by the tribe itself. Not to mention a good way to establish a fairer relationship. And if vampires are a problem sorcery offers options for them to stop being."
"There is no way to be certain without a vampire around which we could... use, for testing. lifeforce manipulation can help hunger and heal."
"There is a plant that produces a blood substitute, but it is for blood loss, might not count for feeding."
"I'm not a healer, but I think it isn't as good. Good enough that someone won't die of blood loss? One of my uncles had to use it when I was little and he had lost a lot of blood at the time."