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Sparkles in Tileworld
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"Can you elaborate on the problems?"


"Specifics are difficult... Especially with things like industry. Supply problems. A king will scorn you and this will be problematic."


"Does anything change if I now resolve not to deal with kings?"


"I suspect you cannot decline to deal with kings in this case. The problem finds you anyway."


"Hmm... Are your visions preventable at all?"


"How do you mean? I assure you am never wrong, even if the strings of fate are necessarily vague."


"I mean, is it possible for someone to learn of your prophecy and decide to take actions to prevent it from happening and then succeeding?"


"I advise you not to try it. It doesn't tend to work out well."


"And the prophecy happens anyway?"




"How deterministic of this universe. My world's precog only sees possible futures, hinging on decisions."


"Perhaps the vagueness helps cover it." He sounds suddenly cold.


"—did I accidentally offend?"


"You hit a nerve. Determinism." He shakes his head. "I don't see enough detail to mean determinism."


"Well. Semantics and philosophy. I'd really love to be able to see the future, but I'm not sure the ability would agree with me."


"I'm quite sure it wouldn't. There is no good way to translate what I perceive into language."


"How do you see it? Do the stars really have something to do with it or are they a shortcut for the way you perceive magic or...?"


"The stars have nothing to do with it, I just like them. Imagine looking at a tapestry with feeble human eyes and trying to pick out how three particular strands move. Even when they go under each other and reappear. Some things are obvious: The tapestry shows a castle. With a little work I can see that the strands that make the ramparts also go through the forest. This is all metaphor, by the way. Sometimes certain things are obvious. That is clearly a knot tying together two figures in that tapestry. Those two people I see in front of me are inextricably bound somehow. I don't know why, I just know that they are. And you are going to conflict with a king."


"That is fascinating. And well... do you have any more information you could give me about this conflict?"


"It does not feel destructive, like a cataclysm, it would affect the whole world far sooner than it actually does. And it should be resolved relatively quickly once hostility is open. Within a month... It might not be a direct conflict, come to think of it... Something like whichever king taking offense to computers and banning them."


" know what, he can feel free to ban computers, he'll just be outcompeted."


"It does feel like something that will legitimately, seriously hinder you."


"That... is kinda annoying. But it'll be alright eventually? The power of the market will prevail, yadda yadda, yes?"


"Yes. You and whoever your mate is, the same entity as far as fate is concerned, are going to change the world a lot. It's almost intoxicating, and slightly terrifying."


She beams widely and dances on the spot a little. "Eeeeee this is so great!"

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