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Sparkles in Tileworld
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"Nope. I figured out you guys don't have computers so I'm gonna reinvent them and become rich that way, I'm okay not getting lots of money now."


"What's so revolutionary about these things I've never heard of?"


"They're like golems but better and mass producible."


"...That would do it, yes."


"Mmhm. They were pretty revolutionary back home, and I think you guys might already have invented it if you had a more sharing-oriented academic culture."


"You keep mentioning that. But I'll keep my trade secrets, thanks."


"Secrets like that are pretty good for individual success and not very good for the development of society in general, I think."


"Might be that there isn't one 'society in general' like you seem to be thinking. The world is huge. We are very uncoordinated with each other."


"Well, people in my world aren't exactly super coordinated either, that's part of the point, when you make academic findings public more eyes can turn them into beneficial inventions which can then be disseminated via the power of the market."


"My university years are behind me, but maybe you'll find receptive minds at Suvak. I hear wind - you're on a ship now?"


"No, I morphed myself a pair of wings and am making my way to Suvak."


"...Now I kind of want wings. Guess I'll have to be content with a much nicer ship than I had before, oh well, what a shame. This is sarcasm, in case it's less clear without facial expressions to emphasize it."


"It was clear, yeah. Unfortunately even if you decided you wanted to turn too you'd probably not get a morph power, witch powers don't repeat as far as we know."


"I was imagining you grafting them on somehow, honestly."


"Not sure how that would work. I studied a lot of biology before and after turning, I grew the wings and adapted them into something I could control myself."


"Which is why it's more of a fantasy than a serious goal."


"Yeah. Aren't there more compact ways of flying magically than ships, perhaps?"


"Yes, but gliders are notoriously unsafe even with hover magic backup. And I suspect it wouldn't be the same."


"Probably," he concedes. "Why are they unsafe?"


"Because nobody is actually good at imitating wings made of meat and skin and feathers and can only use the last thing in their attempts, I suppose."


"Your world is rife with low-hanging fruit for general improvements and slash or cool inventions."


"Stop being so smug about it. You've probably had more time to develop."


"But less people and resources! And anyway, 'smug' isn't exactly the right way to look at it. My world is—alright? The shadow government is good and wants to give immortality to people who want it, everything is on its way to becoming pretty utopic. Here, there is a lot I can do to improve people's lives."


"...The average person's life is fairly good already I think. Noble goal all the same. I might like to help with that if becoming rich along the way is an option. And the fact that it will involve interesting inventions can only be a bonus."


"It is fairly good, yes! But. Could be better. Like with mass-produced golems and a world-wide web of information."

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