Up above the hole in the ground, Ira is speaking to her watch:
"Are you certain?"
"It's not that I don't trust you. It's just that you said we didn't do this until after..."
"But this reduces our advantage-"
Lainey holds up a finger briefly, and quickly retrieves her mobile phone and her hockey stick.
And Bina sets up the time machine, hides it in the cupboard, points a flashlight at it with the infected hand -
And shuts the cupboard door right as a hoard of nope crashes through their front door, uncomfortably close, and a green crack opens around them.
(And then they're falling.)
"Don't look down!" she shouts to Lainey.
...That warning might've come a second too late, although Lainey snaps her head back up as soon as she hears Bina's yell.
Jenn reaches out for Bina, because they're falling, and she knows they'll land, and Bina doesn't have the best track record for staying on her feet.
At least this time they're going somewhere specific rather than free-falling.
Bina stumbles when they hit the park, but with Jenn's help is able to not fall.
Okay. Good. Jenn gives Bina's shoulders a squeeze. "We need a place to bunker down. I'm not sure how easy hiding from tall, red and crazy is gonna be."
"Can probably do something with teleporting around using the Moment or the n-continuous machines - "
"I think we want to use the Moment as little as possible. Having it to retreat to is more useful than it as a teleporter."
"Can I butt in for a second? I would really like an explanation about what's going on here."
"...That's a kind of long story! So. Um. It started - around three in the morning?"
And she'll give a very abridged story - got eaten by a skeleton monster thing, got stabbed by an alien space bug god, time traveled, woke up, saved a dude - via time travel - met Jenn, ran for it, met Elizabeth, ran from the naughts, built a time machine out of scrap, ran some more, Jenn got mauled by the not-Ant, then they spent a while in an ever-shrinking slice of the universe that's frozen in time.
Lainey sits down part way through the explanation. But by the end she's half-grinning. "Time-travel? Okay that's kind of awesome? Does the alien space bug god have to do with the fact that Jenn really shouldn't be able to use that arm at all? How does a frozen moment of time even work?!"
"Lainey this really isn't that awesome! It's, like, the sucky time travel where you can't change stuff unless brain aneurysm - "
"Also I think it works by believing really hard, it makes no scientific sense even though my past loops were convinced there was a logical explanation. The fake-science explanation is it spends space to extend time - so you burn the edges of the universe whenever you're in there, and it's made from a shard of time that was hanging around in Three's loop from where the botfly crashed into reality."
"And yeah Jenn's arm is space bug's fault on several levels. We think."
"Panicking and pretending we have any idea what we're doing? In more seriousness, we don't currently have a long-term plan, we're - trying to figure out what the botfly's doing, what my past selves were doing, and... I guess dislodge it? There is a continual debate about whether we should try getting Elizabeth's people to start an evacuation - I don't know if that'd work or make things worse..."
"I don't know? It seemed like - the people who were looking couldn't look away, so I don't think they could stop paying attention, and... Thinking about it didn't seem to do anything, and it wasn't making noise?"