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Fuschias and Palatinates continue to play with time
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She's bigger than Bina, and mostly uninjured, and can drag Jenn up out of the mud - it involves a bit of precarious balance, and holding her in her arms, but it's doable.


Jenn isn't out of it for long, waking abruptly, but with enough presence of mind not to pull away from Elizabeth.

"Sorry," she mumbles as she gets her legs back under her.


"It's okay. You alright?" Bina asks. "I have a small headache, but I don't even remember anything changing for me..."


"Think I flinched," Jenn supplies, stepping back from Elizabeth. "M'good. Not as bad as last time."


She nods. "I think past me's still dragging you..."


Yeah, Jenn is morbidly curious enough to look, very carefully, around the pile of junk.


Past Bina hasn't gotten very far. Past Bina is much, much smaller than Jenn like this.

She trips, and twists so Jenn's head stays above the mud. Her own doesn't.

It takes her a second to get back up.


Current Bina curls into a ball around the backpack. This wasn't pleasant to experience. It isn't pleasant to remember.


-Yeah. It's hard to watch. Something in Jenn feels like she'd be doing Bina a disservice if she looked away.


Elizabeth glances, but doesn't watch, instead surveying the area around them as much as she can.


Eventually (and it takes a good long while) Past Bina gets them up on the island and stops moving.


"I did say thank you for that," Jenn says, "didn't I?"


"...I don't remember."


Jenn turns, and hugs Bina. "We'll thank you. You did- something pretty spectacular to save me."


Clingy hug. "I couldn't not."


Jenn doesn't say any of the things she could, about how most people wouldn't have (about how Jenn isn't entirely certain she wouldn't have). Instead, she hugs Bina tighter.

"We should get a move on," she says, but makes no move to let go.


Bina's pretty thoroughly hugging her back. "Yeah. I think we're asleep. But I don't know for how long."


"I think...maybe half an hour? Not entirely clear. Still. We need to use that time."


Nod. Reluctant unhug. Then, to Elizabeth, "Can you get us to the office from here? Without going through camp?"


"I'd want to skim around camp for safety, but to be honest it might be better to walk around the outside - less likely to get us lost. We haven't explored the area with the office yet, other than marking it unsafe."


Jenn nods sharply. "Let's do this then."


"It's past them, so we'll want to swing out a bit, but shifting back towards the wall shouldn't be difficult after that. I can lead the way."


Jenn nods again, and takes the rucksack off Bina. She will totally do an insistent, stubborn thing with her eyes if Bina tries to resist.


Bina is fully capable of doing insistent, stubborn things with her eyes, too! And of clinging very tightly to her backpack.

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