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winning in the convention is one way to win
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"Your highness. The Westcrown Gazette is going to publish, shortly, a very carefully phrased call for the people of Westcrown to if they have a position on whether the Queen should make a decree based on this bill, petition Her Majesty. I think it would be rather enormously advantageous if, when this convention breaks for lunch, there is a long line of people waiting outside the palace to deliver the Queen petitions not to allow torture. - also good for the people of the city. There's apparently hordes of them who just want to do something Good. This is Good, it matters, and they can all do it.

I don't know the right people. I sent out last minute instructions to my staff but I can't think who'd trust them that it's not dangerous to get involved in. But you've been speaking to people throughout the city - can you mobilize them in time?"

They should have planned this last night but last night they didn't know the Queen had any kind of process for ignoring the convention when it was in error.

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"That's the best idea I've heard all day. It's short notice and I'm not sure willingness will follow the things my staff will have been tracking closely, but... I can get two dozen by lunch, at least. Dozens more within the few hours after it, for sure. You think she can be persuaded to overrule the decision?"


"I don't know. But - she said that she will not always make our decrees law, and this one really does seem like a good test case not just in that it's Evil but also in that it's stupid and its most important implications - like deciding that as a policy matter we'll not just kill but damn people for sufficiently serious crimes - weren't really debated. And in that it's going after Wain and we already know what the Queen wanted there. It seems like if she might veto anything she might veto this. 

But she does care about Republicanism. So I think she's more likely to veto this if it's because the people of Westcrown ask her to.

- and then I will probably get to work on a different bill authorizing gladiator games as a choice the judge can permit to prisoners sentenced for capital crimes, because apparently the people want gladiator games very badly."


"I think you're right. That has reasonably good odds, at least. And if it's given as an option like the ordeals, it seems like it does no harm... well, probably some harm, but not such that I would exert myself to stop them from choosing to be foolish. Thank you. Even apart from politics, trying to get this fixed means a great deal to me."


Carlota was before she got engaged not planning to get involved in this because she doesn't care about torturous executions. But Alexeara cares and Narikopolus cares and - okay quite plausibly a young woman raised Iomedaen-Arodenite would care about that in a way that she was, a few days ago, not grasping -


"My pleasure. I hope it works."


"As do I, and many others with us. Heaven and Good's blessings on you, and we should probably both go be busy."


"Indeed." Maybe she has time to run down to the Church of Iomedae and see if she can get their endless hordes of worried visitors to help with this. ...disguised. She does not want this to look like her and Jilia's game.


And Jilia will be off to talk to her staff and get them talking to other people.

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