At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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"What kinds of summonses have you gotten?"


"Food bank, putting up an apartment building, laying subway track and infrastructure while an angel dug the tunnel ahead of me, one I have no idea what it was about because they panicked and dismissed me before they said anything."


"Do you have to learn how to make stuff or is it obvious -"


"It's a little like doing a parlor trick, just infinitely easier. Copying things is trivial, I have to think about it a little more to get anything I'm designing custom that doesn't look like somebody's first ceramics project blowing up in the kiln."




"Why, want some material objects?"


"My roommate would probably be over the moon if I came home with something about what her brother's up to now - he died in Iraq -"


"- oh, wow. Okay, name?"


"Sam Mueller -"


"Okay - this is going to wind up with lots of tiny models of him, I can't aim very well yet, if you don't wanna watch I can just tell you my conclusions -"

And he investigates what Sam Mueller, recently dead in Iraq, is up to.


She watches. 


He's in Limbo. With a big black lab and a bunch of other people, including a ten-year-old girl who is presently petting the lab.


"That a dog he had?"


"His unit, yeah. She's not dead, she was at - at his funeral -"


"Yeah, that can happen. Or two Limboites get the same dog."


"Huh. Anyway, thank you. I'll tell her."


"No problem. Space on the train for text data is pretty easily come by now that we have nice compact digital formats, too, if she wants to send him a letter."


"How do they get distributed in Limbo? But yeah, I bet she'd like that."


"Slowly. It might take him a couple years after the concordance to get it, depending on where he lives. But it'll get there eventually."


"Thank you.

...can people who aren't Elves have Elf kids, do you happen to know -"


"Uh, hybrids are a thing. Elf/Dwarf comes out Dwarfy, Elf/human comes out - boosted but not to Elf par, not immortal but longer lived, and skip most of the Elf drawbacks, unless they're descended from this one lady in which case they are allowed to decide between that and being Elves, and Elf/Maia - that being the one lady, only happened once - comes out extra magic Elf. Info on what happens to them when they die predates the existence of Limbo and daeva realms. Why?"


"Oh, just - death sucks. Even with Limbo. Lot of people might want to ask demons for babies who wouldn't get old and die, if that were possible."


"Elves can die in accidents or violence and then they are stuck in Valinor with the god of the dead who is bad at his job. Elves get perks but being a daeva is probably a better deal. And if you think demons are an information security problem - Elves are legit telepaths. Also Elves take fifty years to reach adulthood."


" - that's a convincing set of drawbacks, yeah. Half-elves too?"


"Again, information on what happens when they die is out of date, but the ones who didn't get to pick one or the other die like Elves and have not been reembodied. They grow up on humanish timescales and would ceteris paribus be an improvement if and only if the updated human afterlife situation applied to them."


"But there's no real way to check." Nod. 

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