At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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Nod. "But if it's widely known someone'll do something."


"Yeah. Shipka's roommate suggested the Valar find a demon they'd tolerate having in Valinor to allow correspondence and I desperately hope they will do that, soon, so people can do something in the form of letter writing campaigns and not more invasions or things the Valar would interpret that way."


"Do letter writing campaigns stand a chance?"


"Better than showing up and blundering around. I have not, you understand, personally met the Valar, and the people I know who have haven't met them recently and have very colored impressions."


She frowns thoughtfully. "Okay. I promise not to go ill-advisedly vigilante."


"I want to figure out how to either bounce off of, or go around, Valinor unmolested to visit Dwarves," he says. "Dwarves are by all accounts great and have none of the complications involved with visiting Valinor, plus they can do non-daeva magic. If the Valar freak out enough to cut off their twisty little passage, or worse, Eru sticks a wrench into things, that's a resource multiplier we can't get at."


"Why haven't they cut off their twisty little passage, if they're so opposed to visitors -"


"It's supposed to be possible for the Earthly Elves who either never left or got permission to leave to get there if they want. So I suppose if we upset those Elves enough that they all pack up and head to Valinor we're in trouble too."


"Is that likely? I know some people were trying to track them down online..."


"I talked to some and they say if people bug them they'll just go live in the woods and call the cops on people who harass them, so not very, but if, like, the government decided to be dystopian about it..."


" - yeah, I guess that'd do it. Does the government know about the telepaths thing, I feel like that makes them more likely to overreact."


"I didn't tell them but if they hunt up a demon and translate enough Elvish literature it may come up."


"How many Elves are there -"


"Total population is a few hundred million plus however many are cooling their heels being dead because the god of the dead does not do his job."


"On Earth for people to be tempted to poke, I mean."


"Two batches of a few dozen each plus Elvis and his folks."


"The internet has already eagerly identified way more people than that as definitely Elves."


"Well, one Elf can be several people, like, Elvis is also Freddie Mercury, but also what do you expect from the Internet."


"Very little, but I feel for all the poor people being accused of Elfhood because they have pronounced cheekbones and genetic fortune."


"Yeah. I'm not actually sure how they could prove they're not Elves. There are distinguishing features but not quick tests."


"I guess there are worse things to be falsely accused of."


"Yeah. If you have a demon handy we can check easy but most casual accusations lack this resource."


"Most people are still nervous about letting demons talk."


"I know, you do that and we might start Youtube channels or something."


"Did you check for souls when you got to Hell?"

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