At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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"...did they get one? Or an attempt, anyway -"


"Not as of when they mentioned it - I really doubt they're the only people to think of it, if it's a bad idea for some reason -"


"It's the sort of thing that might provoke divine intervention. Half-Elves are probably less of a bad idea but the afterlife for them is a big question mark and they too might provoke divine intervention, plus feelings from the obligate absentee Elf parent if you don't expressly have the demon make one up who does not really exist. I will... issue a public service announcement." He writes that down.


"The sort of thing that might provoke divine intervention." She shakes her head. "There's only a handful of demon-aided fertility clinics, they should all be easy to convince not to offer that service. Might be a little harder if people are trying it at home, but most people don't summon demons at home..."


"I'll call the clinics first then, try to get an idea of how much interest there is."


"Should you do that right away -"


"Are we talking three of them or twenty."


"In the whole world? Probably like twenty, thirty -"


"Then it had better be able to wait a few hours since if I called them in the wrong order it would anyway, and I may as well use the time to have a better prepared remark than 'please don't have people trying to conceive Elves it might make Eru do things and we hate it when that happens'."


"All right. Can I see more of the castle, or -"


"Yeah, sure. It's all really pretty, otherwise the Elves would collapse in aesthetic agony." He shows her around.


It is really pretty! It is appropriately admired. There's a room with a gorgeous view and she kisses him. "Sorry to give you more work."


Kiss! "I like to be busy. Besides, you weren't soliciting an Elf kid, were you? So you are not the one generating the work."


"I have a boyfriend now, I hear it's conventional to consult those before getting pregnant. I could've written you right after she mentioned it if I knew it was a pending catastrophe, though."


"It might be fine. Maybe half-Elves are just souped-up humans and they get the same afterlife options as everybody else nowadays and maybe the clinics wouldn't dream of letting everybody request Elvis's child in particular just because he's the only Elf they've got certainly identified. But the worst case scenarios are ugly."


"The divine intervention bit I gather. Elvis would freak out?"


"Elves have a thing about kids. Elves have things about a lot of things and that is one of them. I mean, I'd be upset if random strangers wound up getting themselves pregnant with my offspring - hell, that's probably going to happen at least once, isn't it, just because I don't have genes any more doesn't mean they didn't exist in the past - but Elves would freak out."


"What other things do Elves have things about, just so I know -"


"Prettiness, being imprisoned - that one can get fatal - oaths - they are literally unbreakably binding - also the extreme monogamy is metaphysically enforced turns out - hair, don't touch it - I think that's the things."


"Metaphysically enforced extreme monogamy. Gosh. What with not dying after all we definitely have the better end of the deal."


"I'm sure some people wouldn't mind it but yeah."


"I don't mind monogamy but I can't think of a magic enforcement mechanism I'd really endorse."


"The enforcement mechanism is 'they have magic marriage that kicks in if they have sex'."


" - and that's an especially bad one, yikes. Uh - as described that does not imply consent -"

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