One moment, Laia is sitting down for the start of the floor session.
The next moment, some kind of bizarre-looking monster is going at her with an enormous golden ring.
The moment after that, she's somewhere else.
"It comes through the pipes but I'm not sure how they work. I think it has something to do with water pressure, maybe."
Eventually Ilana happens to look out the window. "It's getting awfully late, do you want us to put you up in the guest room for the night? Or Billy Jo can walk you home, if you've got somewhere else to be."
"I've just been staying in the Pokémon Center so far, if you're offering I'd be perfectly willing to take the guest room."
The walls of the guest room are painted a cheerful yellow. The bedspread is covered in a repetitive, multicolored pattern, apparently depicting some kind of bird. There's a clear storage cabinet sitting along one wall, filled with plastic models depicting some sort of very large wagon in one box and a pair of plush Zebstrika in the other box.
Comprehend Languages again! Twice! Her existing orisons and domain spell are fine. She loves you so much, Shelyn <3
Good morning world!
Ilana is baking cinnamon rolls in the kitchen. She nods to Laia as she comes in. "They'll be done in about twenty minutes, if you want to stick around."
"They smell delicious! I prepared Comprehend Languages, if you want me to see what your Pokémon has to say."
Mark emerges just when the cinnamon rolls are coming out of the oven.
"They'll need another few minutes to cool — oh, good morning!"
"Good morning, Mark! Is while they're cooling a good time to see what Emmy has to say?"