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it's time for the dream ballet
Laia in Pokémon
Permalink Mark Unread

One moment, Laia is sitting down for the start of the floor session.

The next moment, some kind of bizarre-looking monster is going at her with an enormous golden ring.

The moment after that, she's somewhere else.

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She appears to be on a small farm. In front of her is a farmhouse and a shed. To her right is a pair of large dogs with brown and blue fur. To her left is a pen full of what are probably sheep; they have pale yellow fur and blue heads. (The pen does not actually appear to be closed off in any way. It's not clear what's stopping the ?sheep? from leaving.)

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...maybe the dogs are keeping the sheep in? Hopefully they do not keep Laia in. Or object to her going and knocking on the farmhouse door, which is her plan for figuring out where she is.

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The dogs do not impede her in this!

The door is answered by a young couple wearing some sort of bizarre foreign style of clothing.

"Hello?" says the young man, in a language she has never heard before but somehow understands perfectly. "I'm the owner of this ranch, and this is my wife. Did you need something?"

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"Hello, I'm Songbird Laia Solandra and I'm lost, some kind of monster transported me here just now and I would like to know where I am."

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"This is Floccesy Ranch, between Floccesy Town and Virbank City in the Unova region. You said you were brought here by a wild Pokémon? Did you see what it looked like?"

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"It was too fast for me to react but I think it was - blue and purple? With gold on it too."

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That is definitely not enough information for him to guess at which Pokémon it might have been.

"Well, let us know if you need any help — food, water, borrowing my Xtransceiver, anything like that. We're not too far from Virbank or Floccesy, you could probably make it there before it gets dark, but if you're really worried you can stay the night."

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"I... might need to know what continent I'm on?"

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"People don't usually talk about the continents as having names — dear, do you know?"

His wife shakes her head. "If you were talking about one of the continents with multiple regions, maybe, but this one just has Unova, unless you start counting the island chains."

"And Orre."

"I guess. Er, what region are you from?"

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"Well my planet is called Golarion."

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"Ours is called Earth," says the man.

"You're an alien?" says the woman. "Are you actually human, or do you have some sort of Zoroark arrangement going on?"

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"I don't know what a Zoroark is! Or why I can speak to you! I'm a human, this is what I really look like." ...she looks down at herself to check. "Yeah."

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"A Zoroark is one of the species of Pokémon on this planet — they can disguise themselves as other species. The aliens I've heard of look a lot weirder than you," says the man.

"She might be a — what was it called, it was on the news the other day—"



"I don't know how we'd tell one way or the other. ...And it's not like we can get her home either way."

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"...well, somebody will probably come looking for me sooner or later if I'm needed on Golarion but on the presumption that it might be later or even never," she has no idea how many people that thing snapped up, if it was hundreds of them the archmages might call the convention off rather than haul everyone back from other planets, "what do I need to know? I'm a cleric - of Shelyn, is She known here -"

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"Well, if you're from another planet, I don't know what sorts of things you know already," says the woman. "The Unova Champion is Iris? We've got stricter laws than some places about riding Pokémon on roadways? ...I've never heard of Shelyn, the Legendaries people here are most likely to care about are Reshiram, Zekrom, maybe the Swords of Justice, Victini if they go in for superstition..."

"She might be called something else in Unova," says the man. "It's not like I know what people in Johto call Zekrom."

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"I'm new to this language and I don't know what things are and aren't Pokémon but - are you using the same word to talk about monsters and also gods?"

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"Every planet I've ever heard of has Pokémon," says the woman.

The man frowns. "That might just be because we only hear about other planets when their Pokémon crash here, though."

"...I guess. Pokémon are... living creatures that aren't humans? If you saw the Herdier and the Mareep outside, those are Pokémon. When you called yourself a 'cleric,' it sounded like you were saying that you were working closely with a Legendary Pokémon — a Legendary Pokémon is an especially powerful Pokémon, where only one exists for the entire species."

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"...any living creature at all that isn't a human? Wow. Okay. Well, there is only one Shelyn but She does have a brother?"

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"There are Legendary Pokémon who are siblings," says the woman. "I saw a TV special about Latios and Latias the other day. What sorts of things is Shelyn associated with?"

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"She's the, uh, Legendary Pokémon, of love and art!"

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"Well, I definitely haven't heard of her, even by another name!" says the woman. "The biggest ones here are Reshiram, associated with truth, and Zekrom, associated with ideals. But Shelyn also sounds nice!"

(Her husband looks a little uncomfortable at the mention of Reshiram and Zekrom.)

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"Those sound like good things, what are their alignments?"

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"...Did that make sense to you, dear?" asks the woman.

"Is there some other word you could use there?" asks her husband. "That question didn't really make a lot of sense in our language."

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"Like. Shelyn is Neutral Good, which means She can have clerics who are that or Chaotic Good or Lawful Good or True Neutral, and those are all alignments."

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"I would guess they're both Good," says the woman. "I don't know if they're Lawful or Chaotic, most laws don't really apply to Pokémon. I don't really know how I'd tell what 'alignment' the trainers they've worked closely with are."

Her husband looks incredibly uncomfortable.

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Sorry, husband, it seemed important. "Trainers?"

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"People who work with Pokémon," says the woman. "Any kind of Pokémon, not just legendary Pokémon."

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"Okay. - anyway, I don't know if the spells I have for today are by coincidence ones you'd like, or if you need any healing, but if either would be useful I do think I should probably stay the night before trying to find my way to anywhere else."

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...Maybe she's a Psychic or something? She kind of thought most Psychics were making it up but maybe she's one of the ones who isn't. "What spells do you have?"

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"Today I've got Create Water, Stabilize, Detect Magic, Tap Inner Beauty, Detect Good, and Charm Person."

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"If you went and filled up the watering troughs, that could save us some time."

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"Sure! Point me to 'em."

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She can do that.

Up close, the sheep seem to be sparking a little bit.

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Concerning. She will give the electric sheep some space.

Create Water, Create Water, Create Water, just like the temple cistern.

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"Thank you! It's a few hours till dinner, but I can put on the TV if you want, or you're welcome to take a walk around the ranch."

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"What's TV?"

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"It's slang for 'television' — if your planet doesn't have television it's probably easier to show you."

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"I think my planet doesn't have television!"

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"Well, do you want me to show it to you, then?"

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Then she'll lead her back inside and show her a metal box! She presses some buttons, and it starts playing a complicated, highly realistic illusion of a pair of strangely-dressed people.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! It's time for 'Moves for Living.' Today we will learn about the move Scald. Our guest expert is Dr. Technic Al'Machine, a professor at Castelia University." 

"Hello. I'm Dr. Al'Machine. Scald is a scorching-hot move that blasts the target with water, and may even leave it with a burn. In everyday life, this move might be useful for making yourself a warm mug of hot chocolate!"

(The illusion cuts briefly to a monkey-like creature with an oddly-shaped blue head blasts a jet of water at the camera.)

"I see... I learned a lot. Well then, everyone, until next time, good-bye."

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"So Scald is like a spell and the magic box has illusions that teaches people about spells?"

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"Most moves aren't exactly spells, all Pokémon can learn at least some moves even if they aren't magic. They're more like... physical techniques, usually. ...The box isn't magic either. And it doesn't just teach about moves, I can put on a different program if this one is boring you."

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"It will be downright fascinating if it turns out I can prepare Scald in the morning but I'd love to see what else the box can do!"

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The woman presses some buttons on a smaller box. It begins playing an illusion of a city, though the buildings look nothing like any buildings she's ever seen. In the foreground is an enormous wheel with smaller gondolas all around it. Two people are standing in front of the wheel.

"Today, on “Eyes on Unova,” we will introduce you to a young nomadic dancer who loves to ride the Ferris Wheel! Hello! I've heard you ride the Ferris Wheel every single day, is that true?"

"Well, I've been riding it every day, but lately I've been thinking I might move on for a bit."

"What got you interested in the wheel?"

"The steady, rhythmic way it moves is a lot like dance, when you think about it."

"But now you're moving on?"

"A dancer who only dances a single dance will get sick of it eventually, don't you think?"

"I suppose so. Thank you very much. That was our report from Nimbasa City!"

Buttonpress. Now the illusion-box is playing the image of several — animals? Monsters? It's not really clear — all of which are wearing human-like clothing, holding various objects, and dancing. In the background, music is playing.

The furthest-right creature, which looks sort of like a cross between a flying squirrel and a bee, tosses a pink umbrella into the air, and the sound of clapping plays. The creatures continue dancing for a few moments longer, and then the lights go dark and the curtain goes down.

"...before we bring you your results, a brief word from our sponsors!"

Buttonpress. Now the illusion-box is playing the image of a snow-covered city. Snowflakes fall slowly to the ground, collecting in front of a brightly-painted door.

"...collect the hottest gossip about Gym Leaders seen around town!" a human voice is saying. "This week, we're following up on a letter we received last week, and visiting the Icirrus Gym in person! Are the rumors about Brycen true? We'll find out!"

The camera moves towards the door, which slides open to reveal a room with a floor completely covered in ice.

"Brrrrrrr. It's freezing in here. Next time I'll just send him an email."

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"I think TV is a cool thing and wish we had it on Golarion."

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She smiles. "I like it too! You know, if you go on to Virbank after this, you could visit Pokéstar Studios and see how some of this gets made."

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"When I'm at home I'm an actress, is that part of how they make the illusions with actual actors at some point in the process?"

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"Oh, it's not an illusion! Basically, they use a very fast camera to take a lot of photographs, and then they play them one right after each other. But the humans you see onscreen are almost always played by real human actors."

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"...we don't have photographs either!"

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"Okay. Uh." She grabs a photograph of a Herdier off the mantlepiece and shows it to Laia. "Cameras make... pictures of things exactly the way they looked at the time? —Sometimes the shows on TV get edited so they don't look exactly the way they really looked, but that's the general idea."

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"...I love it! What a marvelous thing."

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Smile. "Do you want me to put on a movie to watch until dinnertime? Movies are... like television but longer, and almost always telling fictional stories."

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"Oh, yes please!"

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The alien mentioned that Shelyn is associated with love as well as art, so she puts on a rom-com, Love and Battles: Miguel's Story.

The movie revolves around a pair of Pokémon Trainers, Penelope and Miguel. Their eyes meet — the movie treats this as enormously significant — and they end up in a "battle" with each other, which appears to involve them having their weird-looking creatures fight each other. (Penelope's is a "Lickitung," a vaguely-humanoid pink-and-yellow creature with an enormous tongue; Miguel's is a "Smeargle," which has a tail that strongly resembles a paintbrush.) The non-human creatures don't appear to speak whatever this language is, but subtitles appear onscreen to translate their thoughts.

Initially, Miguel is only motivated by the possibility of winning prize money from Penelope, but as their Pokémon battle, he starts to fall in love with her. He decides to throw the battle on purpose as part of a strategy to seduce her. (His Smeargle thinks he's being a bit ridiculous.) Penelope seems surprised to be doing so well — Miguel is apparently an "Ace Trainer" — but it doesn't occur to her that he might be losing on purpose.

Eventually, Penelope's Lickitung knocks out Miguel's Smeargle by throwing a rock at it. However, in the process, the rock grazes Miguel. Miguel congratulates her on winning, and attempts to offer her the prize money. Penelope, meanwhile, is focused entirely on whether Miguel is okay, and refuses to accept the prize money even after he insists he's unhurt. In lieu of giving her the money, Miguel offers to keep practicing with her, and she accepts; the movie concludes with the strong implication that the pair of them will end up as a couple.

The whole movie takes place against the backdrop of a city street, but it looks more like Absalom or maybe Axis than like any city Laia's ever been to. Whenever either character expresses romantic interest in the other, rose petals fall from the sky.

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Laia has no antibodies against romance played completely straight at all and she loves it, to the point of applauding in several places.

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Aww, what a cute alien.

Partway through the movie, the husband comes into the living room. "Will your Pokémon be joining us for dinner? Any of you have any dietary restrictions I should know about?"

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"My - oh, Shelyn? No, She doesn't appear in person, She just gives me spells every morning. I would expect to be able to eat all the things you do since we seem to be the same race."

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Blink blink.

"—Most people on this planet travel with a few Pokémon, even if they aren't professional Trainers," says the woman. "It's not really very safe to travel all by yourself. Travelling with a Legendary would be very rare, but... well, I guess we can get that sorted out before you leave tomorrow."

(Her husband looks uncomfortable.)

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"I'm supposed to have a trained one to fend off wild ones?" The movie was very helpful in a lot of ways. "Well, that does sound important, can I - buy one, or -"

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Nod. "Usually a relative or a friend helps you catch your first one, but one of us can help you out with that instead, or if you'd rather we can see if one of the Mareep wants to leave the ranch."

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"Those are the zappy sheep? They're super cute. Do you use silver here, I only have what I had on me but I had some spending money."

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"We use Pokédollars. I don't know what the coins are made of — do you know, dear?"

Her husband shakes his head.

"In any case, most of the money is paper. But you could probably sell the silver at just about any shop, and then you'd have Pokédollars."

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"That works for me, assuming twelve silver is enough for a Mareep."

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"Oh, I wasn't thinking I'd charge you for it."

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"That's so generous of you! I do expect to be able to sell spells in the long run, though, I'm temporarily embarrassed, not indigent."

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"Oh, I'd do the same for a kid who was just getting started on their journey — I know you're not a child, but it's the same sort of thing, you know?"

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"If you say so!"

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Eventually dinner is served. It consists of some kind of salad with cheese, greens, and berries, with lemonade to drink. (The Herdier join them at the table, and are served berries.)

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Yummy. Could use croutons but she's not going to say that.

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After dinner, they make up the couch with blankets and a pillow.

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It's very kind of them. She will do her best to adjust to the local time zone by going to bed when they seem to expect her to.

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She is not disturbed during the night.

She wakes up at dawn, as usual.

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For once she's actually all done sleeping at dawn! Because she went to bed at what felt like noon instead of a couple hours past midnight!

Create Water, Virtue, Light. Summon Monster I as a backup in case the Mareep needs help, can she get Scald just out of curiosity? - no - might not be first circle. Cultural Adaptation then. She'll swap the Charm Person for the Shield. She is pretty sure the Mareep will not count as a Person.

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The woman emerges from her bedroom shortly after Laia finishes her prayers.

"Good morning!"

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"Good morning! I don't think Shelyn can give me Scald, at least not at first circle, but it was worth a try."

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"Oh, that's not that surprising, human spells aren't usually that similar to Pokémon moves." At least, the sort of things she hears about psychics doing aren't very similar.

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"Oh well. What's a good way to introduce oneself to a bunch of Mareep to see if any of them want to go on a trip?"

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"We can head outside now and see if any of them like you!"

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"Sounds good!"

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Then they can head out to the pasture.

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The Mareep are still there, just starting to wake up for the day.

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"Good morning, Mareep!"

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The Mareep bleat at her.

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"Laia here is just about to start on her Pokémon journey here in Unova, and she's looking for a starter Pokémon to travel with her!"

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It's not clear if the Mareep understand this at all, but one of them walks up and starts sniffing her hand.

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She'll... be sniffed, she guesses! "Is it safe to pet them?"

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"It might give you a little shock, but it's just static, it's not dangerous."

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"Like a doorknob in winter?" Pet.

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"Yes, like that."

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"I think it likes you."

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"Do they have names?"

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"This one is Wooliam. That one is Zippy and that one is Amy."

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"Cute! Hi there Wooliam, I'm Laia."

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Happy Mareep noises!

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"Do you want to protect me on my trip to the city?"

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More Mareep noises! It nibbles at her dress.

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"Do they have their own language, or are they not quite at that level?" she asks the human.

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She looks uncomfortable. "They definitely communicate with each other, and they can definitely understand their Trainers to some degree. ...I've heard of one human who claimed to be able to understand Pokémon, but... well, people say a lot of things."

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"Oh, well, tomorrow I should prepare a Comprehend Languages, I guess!" If she pets Wooliam on his face and not his wool does she get zapped.

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(She looks really uncomfortable about that idea, but doesn't say anything.)

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Oh good. About the facepets, not the discomfort. Facepets for Wooliam. "What do I need to know about showdowns with wild Pokémon that wasn't in the movie? Wild things on Golarion people sometimes address with their own companions but it's actually more common for people to fight them personally, sometimes people who aren't any good at that like me hire help to guard them."

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"If you wander anywhere where a Pokémon might be hiding — like that tall grass over there, or a cave, or any place with good hiding spots — a wild Pokémon might attack you. If you send out Wooliam, you can — I'm sorry, I've never explained this to an alien before — you can give it instructions about what moves to use. Right now, it knows Growl, which makes the other Pokémon worse at physical attacks, Thunder Wave, which can paralyze the other Pokémon, and Tackle, which is pretty much what it sounds like, but it'll learn more as it gets stronger. You can either have it knock the other Pokémon out, or try to catch it.

You might also be challenged by another Trainer — that was in the movie too, I don't know how obvious it was. That's pretty similar to fighting a wild Pokémon, except that most Trainers are better at giving instructions than most wild Pokémon could manage on their own.

It's a good idea to keep a Revive on hand in case your Pokémon gets knocked out, and some healing items to replenish its health — both are legal to use in battle, too, but spending a Revive to win a battle is almost never a good idea unless you're a professional Trainer who can afford it.

If it's getting dark, you can ask just about any house to let you sleep overnight, and they'll let you.

When you're travelling and aren't in a battle, it's normal to keep your Pokémon in its Pokéball, like so."

She presses a button on a red-and-white sphere. 

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There's a flash of light, and Wooliam isn't standing there anymore.

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"Do channels not work? I get six of them a day."

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"...I think that word means something different in your language." She is struggling to understand how TV channels would be relevant here.

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"Oh, the kind of healing that comes in a burst instead of at a touch."

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That's not really how she thought healing worked but she doesn't personally know how to do it without items. "If you can heal them yourself, that should be fine, though if you're battling another Trainer you should wait until the battle is over to do it, and it would be polite to heal their Pokémon as well."

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"Okay. And Wooliam will be plenty to get me from here to a city?"

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"It should be, as long as you're careful. If you're worried you can always try catching another Pokémon on the way."

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"How does that work?"

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"Follow me, I can show you." She heads over to the tall grass.

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Laia follows along.

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"So, first, you're going to want to walk around in the tall grass until a wild Pokémon attacks you." She does that.

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Eventually, a yellow duck jumps out, clutching its head!

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"You want your Pokémon to wear it down a bit — don't actually knock it out, though, the Pokéball won't be able to properly register it. If you can paralyze it, or anything like that, that helps too."

She sends Wooliam out of the Pokéball and demonstrates this. Laia might pick up a bit more about the process of giving a Pokémon instructions in battle, as practiced by people who are not movie characters.

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Eventually there is a tired-looking Psyduck in front of her.

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"Once you're ready, throw an empty Pokéball at it. It might take a couple tries, let me see—"

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There's a flash of light, and the Psyduck disappears.

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"And there you have it! Any questions?"

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"What happens to the duck Pokémon now?"

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"...Well, I don't actually need a Psyduck for anything, so I'll probably release it back into the wild."

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"If it would be a good idea for me to have a second one maybe I could take it?"

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"Oh, I guess that could work! You'll want to heal it up before you bring it into battle, though."

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"Of course! I just push the button to summon it?"

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"Yep! Do you want to give it a name?"

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"Yes! Is it a boy or a girl?"

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She peers at a little screen on the side of the ball. "It's a girl."

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"How about Pauta?" Pun names seem to be in vogue.

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"Sure, that works." She presses some tiny buttons on the ball, then hands both Pokéballs to Laia.

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She lets Pauta out and channels.

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Now she has a healthy Psyduck!

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That is really not how she thought that healing worked but it's not like she's an expert or anything!

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"HI there, Pauta! That's what I've named you, I don't know if you have a name already but if you tell me tomorrow when I've got Comprehend Languages that actually you prefer to be called Mar or something I will be amenable." Pet pet.

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It makes a quacking sound. (It doesn't appear to have moved its bill at all.)

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...She is looking a little uncomfortable again.

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"I worry that I'm doing something that's terribly rude on this planet but I'm afraid I don't know what it is. On Golarion some Pokémon can't understand a word, and some of them can understand whatever language they get used to just like a human but can't talk, and some of them can speak human languages and just might not have happened to learn the one I know, and I don't know what kind these species are yet, and if they don't understand me I don't see the harm in talking to them anyway, but perhaps you can explain?"

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"—You're an alien, I guess you wouldn't know — does Golarion have organizations full of people who get together to do crimes?"

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"Like bandits and pirates and such, yes."

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"About two years ago, a group like that got big in Unova. Team Plasma. They did — a lot of things, really, and not all of them were even illegal — but plenty of them were. They kidnapped a lot of people's Pokémon, was the biggest one.

One of the people involved in leading it claimed to be able to understand Pokémon — every species of Pokémon, even the kinds that no one has ever heard of being able to communicate with humans. He said he was trying to make things better for Pokémon, and I think some of them even believed that, but — not most of them. Certainly not anyone else in charge. The official story is that he had been manipulated into getting involved, and that he left the region once he realized what Team Plasma was actually trying to do, but I don't know if it's true.

I don't think there's anything wrong with hearing what they have to say, if it turns out you can do that, but I'd keep it on the down-low if I were you."

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"Oh dear. I think I understand, thank you."

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"Was there anything else you wanted to know before you set off?"

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"What do they eat?"

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"Depends on the species. The two you've got are herbivorous, they mainly eat berries and grass and so on."

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"How often should I be letting them out to graze?"

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"They don't get hungry if they're in the ball, but at least once a day is good to give them the chance to stretch their legs, if they're not in a PC. —A PC is a sort of digital storage device. You'll need to set up an account at the Pokémon Center if you want to store any of them there."

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"Okay!" She pets Pauta again and then tries putting her back in her ball.

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She can do that!

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"All right! Which way am I headed? And if I fill up the troughs again can I trouble you for a packed lunch?"

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"Yes, that'd be great. Virbank's to the southwest." She can give Laia directions in more detail.

"Oh, and before I forget, take these." She hands Laia five empty Pokéballs and a Potion.

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"What's this?" Laia asks of the Potion. She puts the empty Pokéballs in a separate pocket from Wooliam and Pauta.

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"It's a Potion, you can feed it to a Pokémon and as long as they're conscious it'll heal them a bit. I know you've got some healing, but Potions are cheap, and it's best to be on the safe side."

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Maybe she can trade it or something. "Thank you very much!"

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"You're welcome! Let me go pack up that lunch for you..."

She heads inside.

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Laia goes and fills the troughs for all of Wooliam's friends.

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Happy Mareep!

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A few minutes later, the woman comes back out with her husband and hands Laia a lunchbox. "Have a safe trip!"

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"Thank you for all your help, Shelyn's blessings be upon you!"

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"And on you!"

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And Laia sets off on her Pokémon journey.

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The sun is shining! The Pidove are singing! The weather is warm and pleasant!

For the first mile or so, she can stay on the path without running into other Trainers or unavoidable tall grass. There are some trees, but not anything that would be a proper forest on Golarion.

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She sings to herself as she walks, keeping an eye on the trees and the grass and a hand on Wooliam's Pokéball.

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If she's keeping an eye on the grass, she'll eventually notice some patches of it starting to rustle.

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She gets ready to cast her Shield if anything jumps out at her.

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Rustle rustle rustle... but no, whatever is hiding in this particular patch of grass doesn't seem to feel like ambushing her.

A little ways onwards there's a small stream, with a wooden bridge across it.

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If the bridge looks solid she'll cross it!

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It looks solid.

There's a lot more tall grass on the other side.

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...And shortly after she crosses to the other side, a very large bug (or possibly a very large leaf) jumps out at her!

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Shield!! Wooliam!!!

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It blows some silky string at Wooliam!

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What was the thing that would paralyze it - "Thunder Wave!"

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Wooliam sends a tiny jolt of electricity at the leaf-bug.

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It chirps indignantly but does indeed seem to be moving a lot slower.

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That's not paralysis, that's moving a bit slower, ack, she was hoping it would be actually paralyzed - "Tackle!"

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Wooliam runs at the leaf-bug!

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The leaf-bug flails around a bit but doesn't actually manage to tackle Wooliam back.

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With six channels a day it makes sense to have lots of these, rotate through them, and then heal the lot of them at once when they're run down. She'll toss one of the empty balls at the leafbug.

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The ball rocks gently from side to side and then clicks shut! If she looks closely there's a little screen displaying some information about the leaf-bug.

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What does the illusion square say?

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The illusion square informs her that this type of leafbug is called a Sewaddle, that this particular specimen is 1'2" tall and weighs 6.4 pounds, that this is a girl Sewaddle, and that it knows Tackle and String Shot. (There's some more information that's harder to interpret.)

She also has the option to record the nickname she plans on using for it, if she wants to.

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She names it Hoja. She puts Wooliam away - he doesn't seem hurt - and she's not sure a channel will fix paralysis being slowed down, so she doesn't take Hoja out to introduce herself properly right away.

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A little while later, she spots a man in a large hat, carrying an oversized backpack.

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Wave wave.

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Wave wave. He looks her up and down, like he's checking for something, but seems satisfied.

"Things get pretty rough up ahead," he says. "Here, I'll give you a taste of it!"

He reaches for the Pokéball clipped to his backpack.

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"- okay, but I'm from another planet so I might make a mistake, please correct me if I do!" she says, reaching for Wooliam again.

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"Another planet! What's that like?"

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(He sends out a blue-and-black vaguely-humanoid Pokémon.)

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Wooliam bleats excitedly.

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"It's really really different! Nobody keeps Pokémon in balls! Wooliam, Thunder Wave!"

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The hiker's Pokémon moves shockingly quickly and manages to get in a punch before Wooliam can do anything, but Wooliam takes the opportunity to jolt it with electricity. 

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"Really? Where do they keep them?"

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"Tackle! - sometimes we summon them from other planes by magic and they just go home when the spell ends, or you just have them around all the time, maybe in their own building with stalls if they're too big to live in your house with you. Also people don't battle with them nearly as much, it's a thing but I've never done it before today!"

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The hiker's Pokémon is trying to get in another punch before Wooliam can hit it but it's not really working.

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Wooliam rams into it! 

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"From other planes? How does that work?"

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"I have one prepared today but only one so I can't show you without using it up! I'd just cast it and then I'd get a celestial Pokémon from Nirvana to help me. But I'm not very powerful so it wouldn't stay long."

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"Wow! I don't think I've ever seen a celestial Pokémon before!"

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"I'm not sure if I can get any species that are common here! Usually I'd get a species that also exists on my planet, and it'd just be especially pretty and maybe a metallic color - keep going, Wooliam, you've got it! - but maybe there are celestial versions of species here too that I could summon now I know about them."

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Oh, like how Alola has a special prettier version of Ninetales. That makes sense.

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Wooliam goes to tackle the hiker's Pokémon—

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"Riolu, Counter!"

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The Riolu braces itself, and as Wooliam runs into it, it catches some of Wooliam's momentum and turns it back on Wooliam.

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Wooliam falls to the ground, exhausted. (The Riolu looks like it's decently damaged, though.)

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Oh no! "I guess you win?"

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He blinks a little. "—It looks like you've got two more Pokémon with you, you can keep battling as long as you've got Pokémon left to fight."

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"If that's how it works, I guess!" Out comes Pauta! ...she doesn't actually know what Pauta can do so hopefully Pauta can figure it out.

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Pauta will attempt to scratch at the Riolu! Pauta is notably worse at fighting than Wooliam, but between Wooliam's earlier efforts and the paralysis, she's able to take it down before it can hit her back.

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"Nice work!" 

He offers her some paper money.

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"- is there always an implicit bet on these things?"

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"Huh. You know, I never really thought about it like that."

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"I don't actually have any local money, just some silver I had on me when I was transported to this planet, so I won't turn you down, but it's good to know - is this the usual stake -" She counts it up. "Can you scoot your Pokémon a little closer and I'll heal the lot of them?"

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"There's not a single stake that's usual — let's say I beat a ten year old and they hand me a fifty-Pokédollar coin, I'm not going to start complaining, you know? I guess maybe you don't know, if you're an alien. Three or four hundred would be pretty standard around these parts."

He moves his Riolu closer.

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She holds forth her rainbow bird and channels.

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"Thank you very much! Safe travels!"

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"Shelyn's blessings go with you!" she chirps, and she re-balls her Pokémon and proceeds down the road.

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As she walks, the tall grass gets thicker and harder to avoid.

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...she will have Wooliam out to take point and nibble on the grass, how about.

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Wooliam is content to do this. ...Possibly a little too content. He seems more interested in eating the grass than on actually continuing to walk down the road.

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Well, if he's hungry and wants a lunch break she'll let out Pauta too and take out her packed lunch.

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Pauta finds some seeds on the ground and starts eating them.

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Lunch is a pair of mini-sandwiches, topped with cheese and tomatoes.

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When they've had some time to forage are they any more willing to forge on through the grass?

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Yes, but they don't seem interested in displaying very much urgency about it. Both of them keep wandering off to look at trees, rocks, et cetera.

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Does... pointing and asking them to go That Way help at all?

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It helps somewhat.

While she is attempting to get them to do this, they're ambushed by a purple cat!

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Oh, well, fortunately both her not-"paralyzed" creatures are out already and can dogpile it! "Tackle! Scratch!"

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Wooliam does this enthusiastically!

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Pauta is not quite as enthusiastic as Wooliam, but still seems happy to participate. (Her scratches seem to be hitting noticeably harder than they were when she fought the Riolu.)

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Now there is an unconscious ?cat? on the ground.

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Oh, maybe she overdid it, now she can't catch the cat-thing. ...right? That doesn't work?

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If she tries with an empty Pokéball, it doesn't seem to register the cat's existence at all.

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Well, she's not sure how many of these she even wants to be responsible for, that other guy only had one. But it's hard to make progress with Wooliam and Pauta out anyway, so she will put them away and just have Wooliam ready to go if she sees anything else jump out. Walk walk.

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Eventually the grass thins out again.

Up ahead on the road, there's a really young-looking kid, maybe about five years old.

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"...are you lost?"

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"I am NOT lost!!! I'm the STRONGEST trainer in Virbank City's entire PRESCHOOL and I'm going to WIN!"

He reaches for a Pokéball.

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Wow, okay, she did not quite process all the implications of how inexpensive, easily handled, and necessary the Pokémon here are. Sure. She'll let Pauta have a turn.

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The preschooler also sends out a Psyduck.

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"Ducky can BEAT UP your Psyduck!! Because he's the best Psyduck ever!!!"

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"I bet Pauta can give him a run for his money! Go on, Pauta!"

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"You can do it, Ducky!!!"

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Ducky shoots a blast of water at Pauta. 

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Pauta mostly shrugs it off and starts scratching at Ducky.

They exchange a couple rounds of blows. It seems like Ducky is a bit sturdier than Pauta, but for whatever reason the water blasts aren't really doing much to her. Eventually Pauta is able to knock Ducky out.

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"Wow! You're better than EVERYONE at Virbank Preschool!"

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"Maybe I'm just very lucky and Pauta did all the work. Is that your last one, I can heal them."

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"WOW!" He hands her some loose change and waits for her to heal Ducky.

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Channel. "You did very well, Pauta," she says, petting her own Psyduck.

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"How did you DO that?"

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"I'm a cleric! I get magical powers from Shelyn, the Legendary Pokémon of love and art."

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"Can Shelyn give ME magic powers too??"

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"Maybe, if you're the sort of person who'd make a good cleric for Her!"

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"What sort of person is that?"

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"An artist or a musician of some kind! I'm an actress. And you have to be a good person, and care about helping everybody and getting them to a good place in their lives even if they've done bad things."

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"And if I do all that I get MAGIC POWERS?"

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"If you do all that and Shelyn chooses you. It might take a while! I haven't been a cleric for that long and I'm much older than you!" Probably most of that delay was because she grew up in Infernal Cheliax but she's simplifying.

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"Awwwwwww. That's practically FOREVER."

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"Yup. But it turns out that art's really fun even if you don't get magic powers! So I recommend it anyway."

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"Okayyyyyyyy... I bet it's less fun than battling though."

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"I wouldn't be surprised if you could do both, but it's up to you."

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Well, in that case he's going to sit down and start singing off-key.

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She's not in a hurry if he would like to practice some beginner vocal exercises!

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He thinks vocal exercises are boring, but if she's sticking around he'll attempt to teach her the theme songs for his favorite TV shows.

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Pauta is unhappy about this development!

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Pauta can go back in her ball. She would love to learn local songs! Does it sound right if she resolves that wobbly note like this or like that?

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The first one. ...He thinks.

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She can go over them again if that helps him be sure!

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...He's still not totally sure.

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Well, next time he hears the song he can pay extra close attention! Ears are as important to singing as mouths!

While she's here talking to a fellow Psyduck trainer: what is the name of that water attack?

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"Water Gun!"

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"What a fun name! Well, it's been very nice to meet you, and if you want to find me again, I'm Songbird Laia Solandra." She curtsies and proceeds on her way; the kid can't have gotten too far from civilization on those little legs.

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A little while after the spot where she met the preschooler there's a big hill, with what is presumably Virbank City on top of it, though most of what she can actually see from this vantage point is the fence around it. 

There are some more preschoolers hanging out on the road up hill, or if she'd rather avoid being challenged by preschoolers she could cut through some of the grass.

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With the city walls in sight she'll go ahead and battle preschoolers, she hasn't encountered anyone who has more than one of these things yet and she doesn't know why and she has three and maybe they only seem low-maintenance.

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"Hi miss!! Want to see my Lillipup? It's SUPER awesome."

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(She doesn't actually wait for an answer. The Lillipup looks kind of like a smaller version of the Herdier Laia met earlier, complete with the blue back.)

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"What an awesome Lilipup! Want to see my Mareep? He's terrifically fluffy." Go, Wooliam!

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Happy Mareep noises!

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"It's so fluffy!! Want to fight?? If I win you have to let me pet it."

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"Sure, why not. Thunder Wave!"

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"Bite it, Chase!"

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Chase nips at Wooliam!

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Wooliam bleats indignantly and zaps Chase with a little bolt of electricity.

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She should probably try the debuff move ever. "Growl!"

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Eep! Chase barks indignantly!

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"Keep biting it, Chase!"

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Chase attempts to bite Wooliam, but with noticeably less force this time.

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Cool! "Tackle!"

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Wooliam and Chase continue to exchange blows, but eventually Wooliam is able to knock Chase out.

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"Awww man! ...Can I still pet him?"

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"I don't mind if he doesn't! The wool's zappy but his face isn't." Pet pet.

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She starts petting his wool.

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"A bit, yes."

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"Oh right! I'm supposed to give you your PRIZE!" She hands Laia a slightly sticky coin.

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"Thank you! And I can do a healing -" Channel.

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"No problem! Have a lovely day!" And she continues in to the city.

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There are a pair of identical twin preschoolers waiting outside the city gates, does she want to try to avoid them?

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Sigh... she has a couple channels left... hoepfully inside the city there's something for non-clerics though.

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"There are TWO of us! That means we're TWICE as strong!"

"That's what you said last time and we still lost."

"Well this time we won't lose."

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"Does that mean I can use two Pokémon at once?"

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Out come Wooliam and Pauta!

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The preschoolers send out a pair of... some kind of flower with a face?

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Well, that's funny-looking but hopefully goes down to Thunder Wave and... she wanted to try Water Gun, how's that work, or does it just water the flowers.

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Wooliam paralyzes the weird flower on the left.

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Pauta looks confused about what she's being instructed to do.

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"Dig in your roots! Let's stall them out!"

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The flowers appear to plant themselves in the ground. It's not really clear yet what they're doing.

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Maybe it doesn't know how to Water Gun. "Scratch! And Thunder Wave the other one, Wooliam."

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"Now use Absorb!"

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Wooliam paralyzes the one on the right!

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Pauta also goes to scratch the one on the right!

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The flowers turn their leaves towards Pauta and Wooliam and — pull? It's not entirely clear what they're doing but they seem a little healthier afterwards, and Pauta and Wooliam seem a little weaker. (Pauta moreso than Wooliam.)

It's also more obvious what their roots are doing — it seems like they're letting them heal some of their injuries.

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Oh, how inconvenient, she might lose this one. ...is Pauta okay? Maybe Wooliam has damage reduction or something. "Concentrate on that one, you two!" she says, pointing at the right-side one.

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Wooliam runs into it with his head!

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Pauta tries to scratch it!

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The right-hand flower is looking pretty damaged! The left hand one is doing fine.

The flowers continue attempting to drain their energy, or whatever it is that they're doing. Wooliam is still doing alright, but this time it's enough to knock Pauta unconscious.

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Heck. She puts Pauta away and sends out the bug thing, though she doesn't strongly expect it to be much better than nothing, it's still "paralyzed". "Tackle!" she calls to both of hers.

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Wooliam enthusiastically continues running into the right-hand flower!

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Hoja is still struggling to move.

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The right-hand flower is on its last legs, or would be if it weren't healing itself a little. 

The left flower is doing great. It's going to try to drain Hoja.

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...For whatever reason, this seems to do almost nothing.

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Oh, good for Hoja. "Go on, Hoja, you can do it!"

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Wiggle wiggle wiggle — there! It tackles the flower.

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Wooliam will also continue to attack the flower!

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Then between the two of them, they can take the right-hand flower down! The left hand flower is going to drain Wooliam again, who's starting to look pretty rough.

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"Hey! It's all up to you now, Sunny!"

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"Okay guys, focus on this one! Tackle it together!"

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"Hit the Mareep!"

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Sunny is trying to move, but not totally managing it!

And after a couple more exchanges, Laia's two Pokémon can wear down the one still on the field.

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"Told you so."

"Shut up."

"I'm telling Mom you said that."

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"That was really close, you two put up more of a fight than anybody I've battled before!" says Laia, making sure everybody's in range and doing another channel. "Is there healing available in the city, I'm running low."

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(They will need to get their other Pokémon back out of its ball, but yes, then, channel.)

"Just go to the Pokémon Center, silly!"

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"Oh, was that a silly question? I didn't know because I'm an alien." Away go her 'mon after congratulatory pats. "Where's the Pokémon Center?"

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"It's in the middle of town! It's big and blue and made of glass and it has a red roof."

"You're an ALIEN?"

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"Yup! I'm from another planet! I just got here yesterday, some kind of Pokémon attacked me out of nowhere and then I was on a Mareep farm."

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"Wow!!! What was your old planet like? Did you know Deoxys?"

"Deoxys isn't real."

"Says you."

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"I don't recognize the name, sorry! My old planet has really really different Pokémon that people get ahold of in really different ways and battle with a lot less because of it."

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"That SUCKS!"

"I'm telling Mom you said that."

"'Sucks' isn't a bad word, dumb-dumb head."

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"It seems really nice here so far!"

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"Our planet is the BESTEST."

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"Well, you two have a nice day now, I need to head for the Pokémon Center."

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In strolls Laia.

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There's an entry gate, with a scrolling illusion-board displaying the local date (the year is apparently 2012) and a weather report. 

Then she's in Virbank City. 

The buildings here absolutely do not look like they were built on Golarion. They're more colorful, for one thing, and their style is completely different. To the east is a port; to the south is a group of drab buildings with smoke rising from large chimneys.

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And there's so much glass! It's very nifty.

Can she find the blue building with a red roof in the middle of town?

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Yes! Here it is! 

...The building has a pair of doors, but the doors don't seem to have handles.

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Maybe they just swing open and never need to lock? Push?

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When she gets close they slide open on their own.

In the back of the Pokémon Center is a large, central desk, with a woman standing behind it, surrounded by a few different machines. To the right-hand side is a small shop. Stairs in the far back corners lead upwards and out of sight. A few people are milling about; one is looking at a rack full of magazines.

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To the reception desk! "Hello. I'm from another planet, so forgive me if this is a strange question, but I've heard you do healings here, where is that?"

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"You've come to the right person!" She holds out her hands.

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"Do I let them out, or -?"

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"No, just hand me their Pokéballs."

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One two three of them. "Will this cure paralysis too? My healing only does ordinary injury damage."

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"Yes, our healing technology is very advanced."

She places the Pokéballs in the machine behind her and presses some buttons. The machine flashes with a yellow light and makes some noise, and then she hands the Pokéballs back to Laia.

"Thank you for visiting!" she says, in the tone of a customer service worker who has said this several dozen times today. "We hope to see you again soon!"

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"Thank you! Can you recommend me an inn?"

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"...I don't think we... have those... in Unova. Travelers usually sleep at the Pokémon Center — it's free of charge — or rent a room if they'll be here for a while."

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"Oh, if I can sleep here for free that will do nicely. I don't know if I'll be here for a while, I don't really have any firm plans yet!"

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"Alright! If you need a sleeping bag, you can purchase one at the Pokémart." She nods to the shop counter.

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How much is a sleeping bag, is there a sign?

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There's a list of prices. A sleeping bag is 1000 Pokédollars.

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What kind of exchange rate can she get on a silver piece?

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One of the clerks looks it over and then offers her 2500 Pokédollars for one silver.

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Wow, that's a great rate, she'll trade in a couple silver and get herself a sleeping bag. Is there a good café open for dinner nearby?

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He can give her a recommendation, although he warns her that the cafés in his hometown are better

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"Maybe I'll wander that way one day."


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It's still early enough that the café hasn't started filling up for the dinner rush. She can purchase a variety of different pastries, along with tea, lemonade, or milk.

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A sandwich and a muffin and a lemonade sounds just perfect.

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She can get all of those things! Is she alright with the muffin having exotic alien berries?

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She's fine with that!

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"So, what brings you to Virbank?" asks the barista fetching her food.

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"I'm from another planet and was attacked by a strange Pokémon that landed me on a Mareep farm most of a day's walk from here!"

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"Another planet. You don't see one of those every day."

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"You really don't, it was terribly startling, but the farmers were so hospitable and it seems lovely here so far."

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"I'd like to hope so! Are you planning to stay here or head on over to Castelia?"

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"I'm not sure yet, what's here and what's in Castelia?"

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"Virbank's got the factories, Pokéstar Studios, Roxie's gym. Castelia's got... lots of things, really, it's the biggest city in Unova, but most of it's, you know, boring office jobs."

"And Casteliacones!" supplies the other barista.

The first barista sighs. "And Casteliacones."

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"Where should I be going for theater? Or movies, we don't have those on my planet but the Mareep farmers showed me one and I loved it."

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"For movies you'd want Pokéstar Studios. Live theater your best bet is Nimbasa, about a day's walk north of Castelia."

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"And Pokéstar Studios is here in town, right?"

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"Yep! It's over on the north side."

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"I'll have to go check it out tomorrow. I'm an actress at home."

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"Well, I hear they're always looking for more talent, and I bet an alien would pull big crowds."

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"That would be the hope! Hook the audience with the alien thing and follow up with a great show."

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He nods and turns to the next customer, a girl with a long black ponytail carrying a guitar who just arrived.

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That was indeed plenty of chitchat for over dinner. She finishes up her muffin and meanders a little on her way back toward the Pokémon Center to see what there is to see.

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Is she meandering in any particular direction?

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Back to the Pokémon Center, just in a whimsical non-straight line.

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In that case, she will encounter:

  • A river that feeds into the port area, with several ships docked
  • A large building with a neon purple sign
  • Some large brown constructs that appear to be moving of their own accord
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What does the sign say? What are the golems up to?

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The neon sign is just a symbol (vaguely reminiscent of a Pokéball), but there's a smaller, less neon sign in front that reads:

Virbank City Pokémon Gym
Leader: Roxie
"Poison days, poison on the stage!"

The constructs are lifting up heavy objects with large metal arms and moving them to other places.

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When she gets back to the Pokémon Center she asks where people are supposed to set up sleeping bags.

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The nurse directs her to a spot on the floor with a thick rug.

"We'll turn out the lights at 9 PM."

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And what time is it now, does she know how to read clocks in this idiom?

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It's around 6 PM.

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Hmmm, three hours to kill.

If she goes out again can she find a bookstore?

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Sure, here's a bookstore. It's focused on children's books, with a mixture of fiction and nonfiction.

The books have weirdly many colored illustrations.

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Awww, children's books! That's such a nice thing to see emphasized; she's not a child but she did personally invent the concept of children's theater.

If they don't have anything for grownups here she'll flip through some kid books but she's not going to buy them.

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This one has glossy full-color illustrations of Pokémon species native to Unova! This one has a simplified-for-kids version of the history of Kalos! This one is a fictional story about a trainer trying to collect eight "Gym Badges" to challenge the "Pokémon League"!

If she asks, the proprietor is willing to direct her to an adult bookstore.

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That's very kind of him, she would like some grownup books.

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Is she looking for fiction or non-fiction?

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"Oh, both, and maybe some sheet music, or plays, or poems?"

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He can direct her to (separate) fiction and non-fiction bookstores. Plays are probably for sale in the fiction bookstore; poetry might be for sale in either. If she's interested in sheet music she should probably talk to Roxie? He thinks? He's not really sure.

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"The Gym Leader around here! Her gym's a little south of here, you can't miss it."

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"I did see it. I don't know what a Gym is, Pokémon on my planet are totally different."

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"Uh. Wow. How do I even explain — so, there's a bunch of gyms. Each of them is themed around a single type — Roxie's is Poison-type. If you can beat every other trainer there you can fight Roxie, and if you beat Roxie she'll give you a badge. There's lots of things that are gated on how many badges you have — Flying and Surfing licenses, access to dangerous areas, that sort of thing. If you manage to get eight badges you can challenge the Pokémon League. And of course the Gym Leader's the one who makes sure the town stays orderly and handles emergencies and so on. I don't know if that made sense, I've never met an alien before."

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"I think it makes sense! How does someone become the leader of a gym?"

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"They're appointed by the Champion, I don't know exactly how the process works. Our gym's actually only been open a couple years."

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"Who responded to emergencies before that?"

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"Usually the dockmaster. I guess it'd probably still be the dockmaster if we had a boat emergency."

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"That makes sense. It's fun that everyone gets to challenge Roxie, the thing we have instead of gym leaders where I'm from is nobles and there is no real way to do that, you just have to wait for a Pokémon to eat them or something."

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"...Is people being eaten by Pokémon... common... where you're from?"

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"- well, I think commoner than here, here it's safe enough that there are well-cared-for tiny children wandering around outside the city! It's not a leading cause of death, though, I don't think."

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"It's not that it couldn't happen here, but you'd have to really mess up somewhere."

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Nod nod. "We have different ones, and also don't have Pokéballs, people come by their own Pokémon differently or not at all so anyone fighting them has to do it directly."

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"Yikes. I think you can make improvised Pokéballs out of Apricorns if you don't have the technology, but..."

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"I don't think we have those either."

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"Well. Uh. Good luck with the books."

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Off to the nonfiction bookshop first.

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The nonfiction bookshop is a few blocks away. Is she looking for any particular type of nonfiction?

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Poems, but also some kind of how-to-take-care-of-Pokémon guide for beginners. If... they have those... for grownups.

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None of them are targeted at beginners, but she can find a book on Pokémon grooming (focused on species with hair or fur), a book on "optimizing" your Pokémon's diet for "peak performance," a book on transitioning careers when your career involves working with Pokémon, a book on caring for anxious Pokémon, and a few others along those lines.

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Can the proprietor recommend her anything suitable for aliens from planets where people do not catch Pokémon and battle with them if she asks?

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"Uh, I can't say it's come up before. What sort of things are you hoping to learn about?"

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"Well, I've got three now, and so far they seem very easy to take care of, I heal them when they're beat up and I let them out to graze occasionally - I guess I'm just assuming my Sewaddle grazes too, I was told so about the Mareep and the Psyduck. But most people I meet only have one besides the farmers who had a big Mareep flock. And I'm pretty confused about why, and if there's something that's actually really tricky about caring for them that would make it a bad idea to have lots more I need to know that."

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"Oh, most species aren't all that tricky. Lots of people have two or three, more than that is rare but not unheard of, although the sort of person to collect more is mostly the sort to go exploring. I think — most Pokémon will fight better when they're close to their trainer, and that's easier the fewer you have. And if you're using a single Pokémon for every battle, it'll get stronger a lot faster than if you're rotating. Six might be a bit much, but three should be fine, as long as you're careful. —Six is the maximum you can carry on you at one time, any more than that and you've got to put some of them in storage."

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"What happens if you try to carry seven?"

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"There's electrical interference with the Pokéballs, you'd have to either transfer one to storage or release one of them, and if you didn't do that you might end up letting them all out by mistake."

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"Oh, that does sound inconvenient, I tried letting them walk with me part of the way here but they were not very goal-oriented."

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"Yeah, they don't always understand concepts like 'following a road' or 'not getting distracted fighting with random wild Pokémon.'"

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"So far I haven't observed random wild Pokémon offering much choice about it!"

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"Well, some're more aggressive than others. Depends on the species."

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Nod, nod. "Thank you for helping me out." And she will buy some poems if they have anything good.

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There's lots of poetry to pick from; she can probably find something to her taste. 

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And now to the fiction store!

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The fiction store is by the docks, with displays of glossy paperbacks in the window.

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She wants romance novels! And dramas! And the proprietor's favorite, whatever that is!

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She can find all of those things! The proprietor recommends a mystery novel about a group of children and their Pokémon investigating a string of mysterious disappearances.

Most books seem to run between 1000 and 2000 Pokédollars.

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"...do you take returns to sell secondhand?"

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"We'll buy them back at half cost."

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Will they take silver or does she need to go get more of her silver exchanged?

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He does not really seem sure what to do with the silver. She might be able to talk him into it, but probably at a worse exchange rate than the Pokémon Center shop gave her.

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Off to turn in more of her coins, then, and then back for the books.

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Now she has books!

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Then she'll go read in the Center all evening.

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Which book is she starting with?

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She'll start with the recommendation.

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The Light in the Tower, by an author named Shauntal and professing to be "Based on a true story!", is full of beautiful descriptions and vivid metaphors. The plot is a little thin, but the characters are full of personality and depth, even the minor characters, antagonists, and Pokémon (none of which can speak).

Some things Laia might pick about the surrounding society:

  • The norms around hospitality are enormously different from Ostenso. At several points, the child protagonists stay in random people's wilderness cabins, and the owners are occasionally a little grumpy but no one ever seems to worry that they might refuse to host them.
  • These children are... around twelve years old... and no one thinks it's at all unreasonable for them to be going off alone to travel the region, or for that matter for them to be investigating crimes. That could just be a story convention, but this was in the adult bookstore.
  • Pokémon seem to have a number of different "types," which appear to be intrinsic properties of a given species. A major plot point hinges on the existence of "Ghost-type" Pokémon, but the novel is assuming more background context than Laia has, so it's not entirely clear how similar those are to the ghosts on Golarion.
  • Absolutely no one in the story seems to have heard of the existence of non-ghost afterlives. They barely even have the concept of alignment; characters talk about "doing the right thing" or imply that other characters are acting unethically, but they don't talk about it the way anyone on Golarion would, and they definitely don't seem to have "Lawful" and "Chaotic" as basic concepts.
  • The author seems to think gender distinctions are barely worth remarking on. Characters are described as "boys" or "girls," but this isn't particularly treated as something that might be expected to affect their actions in any way.
  • Human-usable magic is much rarer than on Golarion, and mostly seems to work very differently from wizards or clerics, though some people do have supernatural abilities in various forms. (One of the main characters has some sort of supernatural ability to sense danger in advance, but it's not a spell and frankly sounds very difficult to do without prophecy.)
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...well, this isn't Golarion, maybe Aroden didn't screw everything up here and prophecy works! She wouldn't know what spells to ask for at first circle that could take advantage of that, but it's abstractly interesting.

If nobody has to personally fight because they're all doing it by proxy through Pokémon it makes sense that there would be less of a gender skew - if somebody attacks you, you fend them off with your Pokémon whether you're a boy or a girl, and extending that to the kind of attack that can leave you knocked up isn't that much of a stretch...

Do the little screens on her Pokéballs say what types her own Pokémon are?

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It takes a little bit of tinkering with the buttons, but eventually she can learn that Wooliam is Electric-type, Pauta is Water-type, and Hoja is Bug/Grass-type.

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Well, seems probably wise to have an assortment. Did the book indicate what the types are best at?

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The novel seems to mostly take it for granted that everyone already knows what the types are particularly good at, but it's possible to infer some things. Most Pokémon seem to be able to learn moves with thematic elemental powers; sometimes travelers use these for utility, having a Fire-type light a campfire or using a Water-type move as makeshift Create Water, though it doesn't seem impossible in principle for Pokémon to learn moves that correspond to other elements. Psychic-types seem to be associated with mind-affecting powers of various sorts. There's a reference to Electric-types being fast, although Wooliam is not fast at all so that might not be universal.

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Huh. Does anybody look chatty here in this Pokémon Center?

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Yes, it seems to have filled up now that it's getting closer to evening. There's a group of three children who look to be around twelve years old talking excitedly about the events of the day, and an older man wearing a hat with a light on it chatting with one of the clerks, and a few other people who aren't talking to anyone.

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What are the events of the children's day? She'd like to segue gracefully into the request for introductory Pokémon type tutoring.

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They're discussing an attempt at challenging Roxie's gym. Two of them got stuck on other gym trainers; the third one made it to Roxie and lost there. The three of them are divided on the best strategy — one of them thinks they should get their Pokémon some more practice battling first, another one thinks the problem is mainly that they were using poor tactics for fighting a Poison-type gym, and the last one wants to give up for now and go west to Aspertia City to challenge someone named Cheren instead. Partway through their debate, they get sidetracked into discussing whether Roxie's band is better or worse than a music group from their hometown.

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"What types are good against poison? I don't know these things because I'm from another planet."

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"So it depends on whether you're talking about your moves or your Pokémon. Psychic or Ground moves will hit them harder—"

"—well, not the Koffing, because they float," says one of the other kids.

"Ohhhhhhh, is that why that wasn't working, that makes sense. Anyways, for your Pokémon, the best type to fight Poison-types with is Steel. But Steel-types are pretty rare around here."

"Wait, did you say you were from another planet? Like, another planet-another planet, not just another region or something?"

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"Pretty sure it's another entire planet. So I don't know anything at all about types! Pokémon are super different there."

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"Oh, types are super easy!"

"Are not."

"Water beats Fire, Fire beats Grass, Grass beats Water, and don't try to punch a ghost—"

"I didn't say none of them were easy."

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"I've got an Electric and a Water and a Bug/Grass. Where does that leave me?"

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"You shouldn't use the Bug/Grass against Roxie but the other two are fine."

"Be sure to buy some antidotes though."

"Oh, good idea."

"What are Pokémon like on your planet? Do you have any pictures?"

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"Antidotes? Uh, I'm no great shakes at drawing but I do have a spell that can summon something of a type I'm used to. Just for a few seconds though."

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Now all the kids are looking at her raptly.

"Can we meet the alien Pokémon? I want to meet the alien Pokémon."

"I've never seen an alien before! Except you!"

"—Antidotes cure poison," one of the kids clarifies belatedly.

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"Sure! But again it will be very brief. I'm not powerful enough to keep it for long."

And she summons a celestial hawk to sit on her forearm.

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The kids' eyes go wide.

One of them waves to the alien Pokémon. One of them holds up a small device. 

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The hawk makes a piercing shrill noise and vanishes.

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"That was so cool."

"What kind of Pokémon was that?"

"Is there a way for us to learn how to get Pokémon like that to show up?"

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"That was a celestial hawk! There are also material hawks which would look a lot like it except less metallic and not tame like the summonable kind is. I can cast spells like that because I'm a cleric of Shelyn but I think all clerics and also wizards can cast the spell, it wouldn't have to be Shelyn in particular."

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"What's a cleric? And what's Shelyn?"

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"Shelyn is the Legendary Pokémon of love and art and a cleric is someone who gets spells from a Legendary Pokémon every morning."

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"Wow, they can do that?"

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"The ones people on my planet worship can! I don't know about the ones known here."

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"What're the other Legendaries on your planet?"

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"Oh, too many for me to possibly list and also some of them are evil."

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"Well, which ones are your favorites? Apart from Shelyn."

"My favorites are Zekrom and Victini and Cresselia." 

"My mom said Victini doesn't exist."

"Your mom also thinks Zekrom is evil, so."

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"Oh, let's see. I like Desna, she's all about dreams and freedom and the stars. I like Iomedae because she helps out when the evil gods are up to their nastiness. Sarenrae is a lot like Shelyn except for being boring so I guess I'd say I approve of her but that's different from liking her. I like Gozreh, whose thing is nature, plants and the sea and weather and stuff."

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The kid who listed her favorite Legendary Pokémon grins. "Cresselia likes dreams too! Maybe Cresselia and Desna can be friends!"

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"Maybe! Maybe they already are and it just never came up in anything I've read."

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"Maybe instead of fighting Roxie again we should see if we can find a Legendary Pokémon and ask it to give us spells."

"Do you know how to find a Legendary Pokémon?"

"Well, no."

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"Shelyn and the other ones who give out spells can hear you talk to them or even just think at them from anywhere! But you have to be their sort of person to get magic, and you have to be Wise enough to use it."

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The kid who likes Cresselia squeezes her eyes shut and focuses intently.

"What counts as Wise enough?" asks one of the other kids.

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"There's three different ways to be smart. You can be good at school stuff, like math and learning languages, or you can be good with people, or you can be good at thinking about the big picture stuff. That last one is Wisdom and clerics need it to cast spells."

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"I don't know if I'm good at big picture stuff."

"Which one makes you good at Pokémon battles?"

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"I don't know but I bet all three help in different ways. That's how it is with most stuff."

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"...Can Pokémon be clerics?"

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"Well, sure, or at least some kinds on Golarion can. I don't think the species I've seen here so far are quite bright enough to know what they're doing in the right way."

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"I bet an Alakazam could be a cleric. Alakazam are the smartest Pokémon ever."

"Have you ever even met an Alakazam?"

"Well, no. But everyone says they're the smartest."

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"Do they talk? Most spells need some talking."

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"I don't know, I've never met one."

"I think they might talk in people's heads? But I'm not sure."

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"That doesn't work for spells."

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"I guess maybe it wouldn't be a cleric then. Even though it's the smartest."

(The kid who was squeezing her eyes shut opens them again.)

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"Probably not unless it would make such a good cleric otherwise that it'd be worth it not being able to cast most spells without learning a special trick for that."

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"Fifteen minute warning until lights-out!" says the woman at the counter.

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Time to set up her sleeping bag.

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The children do likewise. 

"Goodnight, Miss Alien! I hope Cresselia and Desna give you some nice dreams!"

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"You too, good night!"

She's usually a night owl but her sleep schedule hasn't caught on to the time zone so she goes to sleep without too much trouble.

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A few people come in for healing during the night, but they're reasonably quiet about it.

Dawn comes a little before the lights go up.

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She prays sleepily and rolls over.

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The lights come on about half an hour after dawn, and the rest of the people in the Pokémon Center start packing up their bags.

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Oh, that's before she's even done with the praying part, let alone the rolling over part. Hopefully she's not overstaying her welcome if she yawns her way out into the world an hour after dawn.

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No one stops her, at any rate.

Where is she headed first?

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She needs breakfast, where's a good breakfast place? And then after that she should go out into the grass and let all her Pokémon graze.

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She can get a recommendation for a café near the Pokémon Center. If she's looking for grass, there are some smaller parks near the industrial district, or she can leave the city if she wants a larger grazing area.

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It feels rude to let her animals eat the park! She'll go to the café for an omelet and toast, and then go out the way she came in.

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It's a warm summer day. Most people still aren't out and about yet; it's much quieter than it was yesterday.

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Out come all three of her 'mon. "Good morning everyone!"

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Wooliam rubs up against her leg. (Zap!)

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Pauta and Hoja start foraging.

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Awww, does Wooliam want pets more than breakfast? Pet pet.

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Happy bleating!

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"You're a very good zappy sheep, Wooliam. Don't you want some breakfast?"

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He gives her a friendly headbutt and then starts to eat some grass.

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Cute critters. She sits on the (shorter) grass and watches them till they're done or something happens.

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While her Pokémon are grazing, a flower-like Pokémon resembling the ones the twins had pops out of the grass and attempts to attach itself to Wooliam's leg!

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"Wooliam, look out! Thunder Wave it!"

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Zap! The flower falls off Wooliam's leg. Its leaves rustle angrily.

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"Good job, now give it a tackle, that'll teach it to interrupt your breakfast!"

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Wooliam tackles the flower-thing forcefully.

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...Yeah, this is more work than it was expecting. It tries to flee into the grass. (Slowly, on account of the paralysis.)

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"Let it go, dear."

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Wooliam reluctantly allows it to escape.

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She thinks they're probably Grass type and she's already got a Grass. "Good boy, Wooliam."

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He rubs her leg. (Zap.)

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Pet pet.

When they're all done eating -

"Comprehend Languages."

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"The grass last time was tastier," Wooliam is saying.

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"It looks the same to me."

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"You weren't even here last time."

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"It's grass. All grass is the same."

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"Oh! Oh you do talk!!"

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"Why wouldn't we talk? Did you think we were just making noises for fun?"

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"I wasn't sure! Only some Pokémon at home talk."

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"I think all the kinds around here talk."

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"My head hurts. Can you make my head stop hurting?"

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"I still don't know how to do that."

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"I meant the human."

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"Oh no. Did the channeling help, yesterday? I'm only first circle so if that didn't help I'm not sure I've got anything that will."

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"I don't know channeling. But my head always hurts."

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"Maybe if you stopped holding it all the time it would hurt less."

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Pauta gives Hoja a look.

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"I could try to give you a neck rub but you don't have very much neck."

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"I think Psyduck are just like that."

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"What! That's awful. I'll have to look it up in case there's herbs for it or something, I guess."

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"If there are plants that fix it they don't grow near here. I have eaten most of the plants that are here."

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"How are you understanding us, anyways? My last humans didn't understand me."

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"Maybe your last humans were just bad at their job, did you ever think about that?"

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"They were nice humans! They just didn't know that I didn't like the yellow grass-plant as much."

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"I cast a spell! I can't keep it up all day, though. It'll wear off in a couple minutes so if you've got things to say better do it quick, I can do this again tomorrow though."

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"Next time we eat you should bring us somewhere with better grass."

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"It's the same grass."

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"A less yellow kind of grass? I'll keep an eye out."

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"This grass isn't yellow, it's just not as tasty."

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"I'll try more places till you like one, then."

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"Thank you!"

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"What about you two?" she asks Pauta and Hoja. "Anything I should hear while I can?"

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"My head hurts."

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"You said that already. I think you should let me fight more."

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"Okay, you can be out first next time," she assures Hoja.

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"Oh good. Unless you're fighting a burny Pokémon, I don't like fire."

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"Will I always be able to tell by looking? You're obviously a grass and bug type to look at you but Pauta I didn't know without checking."

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"I don't know."

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"Sometimes it's easy to know but not always."

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"Well, I'll at least avoid the obvious fire ones for you, Hoja." Pat pat.

And then her spell's gone. She puts them back in their balls and goes back to town.

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There are more people out and about now than when she first left. Where is she headed?

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Back into town to check out Pokéstar Studios!

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Pokéstar Studios is actually a complex of several buildings, made of strange brightly-colored building materials. The streets of the complex are covered in yellow carpeting, surrounded by bright lights. Upbeat music is being piped in through strange black boxes, and a crowd of people is queued in line by one of the buildings. There are giant posters advertising various movies, with glossy, full-color photos of the cast (including Pokémon) and short slogans.

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"Hi! What's this line for?"

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"We're here to see the preview of Brycen-Man Strikes Back 2!"

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"May it be all you hope for!" Is there anywhere else where members of the public might be able to just walk in.

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There are lots of buildings that aren't obviously closed to the public, but probably her best bet is the one with the big flashing sign and the open door.

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Wow, that's flashy. In she goes!

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There are a few different people she could conceivably talk to but probably she wants the woman sitting at the desk right by the entrance.

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"Good morning! I'm an alien. On my planet I'm an actress so I came by to see what you've got going on here, can you point the way?"

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"Oh, an alien, Mr. Deeoh is definitely going to want to hear about that. Wait here, I'll call him over."

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A few minutes later, a balding, middle-aged man in a purple suit arrives.

"Bonjoir, darling! I'm Stu Deeoh. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"She says she's an alien," supplies the woman at the counter. "I figure it'd be good marketing."

"Oh, certainly," says the man. "An alien, you say? That's simply marvelous. You'll have to tell me all about yourself, darling."

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"I'm Songbird Laia Solandra - Songbird is a title, it means that I'm a cleric of Shelyn, Legendary Pokémon of love and art, she gives me spells. I'm from a planet called Golarion and was transported here the day before yesterday complete with knowing the language somehow when a Pokémon I didn't recognize appeared where I was and attacked suddenly. I've been an actress since I was three years old. On the stage - we don't have movies on my planet - but I watched a movie the other day and I think they're brilliant. I can do some sample monologues or songs if you'd like but they're all in my native language, Chelish."

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"Oh, that's simply wonderful. Why don't you pick your favorite monologue to start with, and then we'll see about getting you some of our classic audition materials?"

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She does the one from Summer, Autumn about her plan to poison her boyfriend's other girlfriend, it's got some great emotional peaks and valleys.

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He looks suitably impressed.

"Now, theater in Unova is a bit more improvisational than most places I've visited. We have scripts, of course, but we like it when our actors come up with their own lines at suitably dramatic moments. With that being said, why don't you take a look at this and pick out your favorite monologue to deliver impromptu?"

He hands her a small binder of short monologues covering a range of moods and genres.

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"I have a little improv background, mostly informal," like her entire life when she's working under her own name. She picks out a paragraph on trading away a Patrat for a Munna, figuring she can guess well enough exactly what flavor of ambivalence to inject into the situation.

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He watches intently.

"Do you have a lot of experience working with Pokémon onstage back home, darling?"

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"No, Pokémon are very different at home and my company was always - almost all human, with a couple players of other races, but like, the kind that spoke the same language as everyone else and wore clothes and suchlike, so I expect that to be different from Pokémon here none of whom I've seen doing that. Though if it matters it turned out when I tried it that a spell I can get to understand foreign languages works on Pokémon."

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He nods. (The woman at the desk looks a little uncomfortable at the mention of the spell.)

"Many of our films have Pokémon costars, is that something you'd be comfortable with?"

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"Oh, sure!"

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"In that case, I'd like to get a sense for how you work with unfamiliar Pokémon. Are there any species you're likely to have particular issues with?"

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"Um... I've never met a Ghost-type Pokémon and on my planet anything like that would be really dangerous to people, so I guess I might be nervous with those, though I overlooked somebody being undead for the sake of art once and can probably do it again!"

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"Most Ghost-types aren't very dangerous, and besides, they usually don't show up so well on camera. I can make sure to avoid Ghosts in the audition."

He goes over to another part of the room and returns with a Pokéball, a script, and another person. He hands the Pokéball to Laia.

"Alright, darling, we're going to start with some freeform interaction between you and one of our Pokémon stars. This is Riley, one of our star Riolu."

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Out you come, Riley!

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Riley lands on one leg, does a little spin, and then looks expectantly at Laia.

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She can mimic the spin and do a little bow! "Hello there, Riley! I'm Laia."

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Riley bows back and says something incomprehensible. It gives her a playful, gentle shove.

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She knows how to pratfall as though he pushed her much harder! "Why, Riley, if you don't want me copying you all you've got to do is wag your tail, I can't do that."

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With her on the ground, Riley places one foot gently on her torso and makes a victory pose, then offers her a hand up.

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Up she gets. She bows and claps. "I yield to the champion! Congratulations!"

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"Marvelous, darling!" says Stu. "Next, I want to see how you do with a mock battle. You'll be partnering with Warren."

He hands her a script. It includes detailed choreography for the Pokémon, and instructions for the specific commands she should be giving, but also leaves open room for improvising banter, encouraging remarks, etc.

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Is Warren her opponent or the Pokémon she's supposed to command?

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Warren is her opponent, she's still commanding Riley. He sends out a Pokémon that looks like a giant ice cream cone.

"You think you can stop me?" he reads. "Well, think again!"

(The script calls for her to improvise a response, then instruct Riley to use Force Palm.)

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"It's time for action, not more woolgathering! Riley, Force Palm!"

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Riley gives her a mock salute and shoves its right hand forcibly at the ice cream cone.

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The ice cream cone squeaks indignantly and falls unconscious.

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Next Warren sends out a metal bird.

"You may have taken down one of us, but we've got more tricks up our sleeve!"

The script informs her that she is supposed to act terrified. She should wait for Warren's Pokémon to act, then instruct Riley to use Counter.

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She can act terrified! ...she's going to act a little less terrified than she knows how to, because probably they don't actually want her to look like she's about to be tortured to the point of death and then Maledicted over a Pokémon battle! She takes half a step back, frowns at the battlefield, lets her hand tremble a little as it brushes some hair out of her face.

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Warren makes a fist and turns his hand around rapidly. "Show that Riolu who's boss! Pluck!"

The metal bird dives at Riley and pecks at it. (An experienced observer might notice that it is being very careful not to actually knock Riley unconscious.)

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"Counter!" she gasps, clasping a sympathetic fist although she doesn't actually know what Counter does.

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Riley catches the edge of the metal bird's momentum and thrusts it back upon itself, knocking the bird nearly to the point of unconsciousness.

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"Is that all you've got? We've got you outmatched."

(At this point the script calls for her to look smug, optionally with improvised dialogue, then tell Riley to use Quick Attack.)

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"Braggadocio," she snorts. "Quick Attack."

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Riley darts in to use Quick Attack, and the metal bird faints.

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"Alright, darlings, we're going to cut there," says Stu. "Excellent work."

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She does a channel and curtsies.

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"What was that?"

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"Oh, should I not have? I didn't want to leave it unconscious any longer than necessary - I'm a cleric of Shelyn, I can heal. I can do that six times a day, and a few more times at touch range."

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"Oh, it's no problem at all, darling! What else can you do? Is there anything that would be particularly difficult to imitate with special effects — well, I suppose you wouldn't know that."

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"I don't know what special effects can do, no. You seem to have light covered... I guess if you want me to act underwater or carry something very heavy I could prepare spells for that... this morning I tried Comprehend Languages on my Pokémon and that worked so I guess if you think Riley and the others you have around might want to say something I can interpret for ten minutes at a time... I can summon celestial Pokemon of a few kinds but that only lasts seconds..."

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He strokes his chin thoughtfully. "It's probably not worth working any of those into a movie, but if you get a big hit we might want to see about some publicity interviews where you show off your magic."

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"How long are you planning to stay in Virbank, darling?"

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"Indefinitely! I don't have a permanent residence right now but I'm really terribly excited about movies and it seems here's the place to be for those."

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"Glad to hear it, darling. I'm going to speak with our staff about finding the perfect role to highlight your unique background. Why don't you meet me back here tomorrow morning?" From the way he says it, it sounds like this is a totally normal timeframe for this sort of decision.

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"Marvelous. I see big things in your future, darling."

It's only late morning; does Laia have anything else she wants to do today?

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She's going to learn her way around the city so she won't be getting lost all the time if she's going to live here. And get a sense of where she might want to get an apartment once she has income.

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The city isn't too difficult to navigate, once she gets used to avoiding the waterways. The city is more-or-less laid out on a grid, with several clear landmarks, and surrounded by walls on most sides and a harbor to the east.

There are apartments for rent just about anywhere in the city. From the advertisements, it seems like nearly all of them come with furniture included, and most of them are primarily offering month-to-month rentals. The cheapest apartments are near the industrial district in the south, but those are much closer to the smoke from the factories. The apartments near Pokéstar studios are much more expensive, with more amenities. (There are also middle-price apartments in other parts of the city.)

Common amenities offered include "dishwashers," laundry rooms, "AC," community rooms, and a dizzying variety of daycare services. Less common amenities include fitness centers, in-unit laundry, and bike storage. One apartment in the entire city advertises itself as "Pokémon-free."

All of them are going to cost significantly more to rent than she can currently afford, but that might change once she starts getting paid for acting.

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Hopefully! Though she'd also like to find whatever passes for a temple here - or an apothecary? Or a... Human Center? Somewhere she could sell healing if acting doesn't pan out.

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There aren't obvious temples. She can find a pharmacy and a small hospital.

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The hospital is pretty confusing but she's not expecting to recognize whatever she's looking for so she looks closely enough to notice that it's got people going in with coughs and limps! In she goes.

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"Welcome to Virbank Central Hospital! What seems to be troubling you today?"

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"Not a thing! I have magical healing powers and was wondering if this is the right place to look into distributing those."

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"Well, I suppose we do heal people here. What sort of healing? We do have a few Blissey on staff." They're not native to Unova, but they're useful enough to be worth the hassle of importing them.

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"I can channel positive energy to heal damage - not diseases, I'm not strong enough for that. I can demonstrate if you'd like, I have five left today."

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"Are there any side effects patients should be aware of?"

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"How long does it take per patient?"

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"Oh, just a few seconds, and I can do lots of people at once, it's a thirty foot radius burst!"

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"If you're here for an injury and want to try magical healing from a human, raise your hand!" No one here has two broken arms. 

She directs the volunteers to congregate around Laia.

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"Thank you!"

"Praise Arceus!"

"Mama mama did you see—"

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"My magic actually comes from Shelyn! She's the Legendary Pokémon of love and art!" Laia chirps to whoever was praising Arceus whoever that might be.

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"Praise Shelyn!"

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"Praise Shelyn!" she agrees.

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"I don't think that's doing anything a Blissey couldn't do eventually, but you're a lot faster about it. ...I should've had the nurses watching."

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"I've never met a Blissey. It sometimes comes out weaker or stronger, but it does reliably work at least a little."

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"Huh." It's a little weird that it works like that, but human magic is pretty weird. "Well, you've definitely come to the right place."

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"At home the temple gives it out for free, but there's more of us there, and also the whole thing is donation-subsidized, so I don't know if that makes the most sense here."

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"Well, the Blissey work for free, but you're a lot faster than they are... I don't really know how the economics of it work, I'm just the receptionist. The government gives us money to run the hospital."

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"That's good of them! I can probably come by sometimes even if you don't pay me, I'm also looking into another line of work, but I thought it was worth checking."

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"I can ask my boss about paying you, I just don't know what she'll say."

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...Someone who had a broken leg a minute ago offers her some money.

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"Thank you! Shelyn's blessings be upon you!"

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Well, now that one person has done it, a few more people pull out their purses and offer her money and miscellaneous objects.

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What kinds of objects?

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A small bottle containing a purple liquid! A green rock strongly resembling a leaf! A white scarf! A cookie!

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"Thank you all very much! - what does this potion do?"

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"It's just a regular Potion, it restores a little health to your Pokémon."

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"Thank you!" She puts the scarf on her hair and pockets the rest.

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It's made of nice silk. A scarf like this on Golarion would almost certainly be dyed, but given the clothing everyone else is wearing it seems like dyes in basically any color are much less expensive here.

Where is Laia headed next?

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She can find lunch. There's a little restaurant across the street from the hospital selling flatbread with several choices of topping.

In one corner of the restaurant, people are having a heated discussion about something in the newspaper.

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Can she tell what was in the newspaper by eavesdropping?

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"...with them properly two years ago, we wouldn't be having this problem."

"You can't arrest people who haven't done any crimes."

"Kidnapping's a crime."

"Not everyone on Team Plasma—"

"Sure they didn't. And I suppose the ones down in the factory were just sightseeing, then?"

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Huh. Can she buy a copy of the newspaper?

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Yes, they sell them near the front counter.

The biggest article on the front page is about an upcoming music concert, but there are also front-page articles about Team Plasma members being spotted in the industrial district, a new development in an ongoing scientific controversy, and a building fire in Castelia City.

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Does the paper say anything about... what... Team Plasma is...

(Also when's the concert, maybe she'll go.)

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The concert is the day after tomorrow at Roxie's gym. Roxie and her band are headlining, but there are some out of towners who'll also be playing.

The paper mostly seems to be assuming its readers already know what Team Plasma is. (Laia might remember the farmers she stayed with earlier mentioning them briefly.)


Four alleged members of Team Plasma were recently observed in the vicinity of the Rivera Distillation Company plant, say reports obtained by the Virbank Herald. The Rivera Distillation Company, the largest distillery of crude oil in southern Unova, was already under scrutiny after allegations of unsafe working conditions, and this report raises further questions about the company's policies and procedures.

Though it was widely believed to have been disbanded two years ago, six alleged sightings of Team Plasma have been reported region-wide in the past month. Its goals and current leadership are unclear at this time, but witness reports indicate that the alleged members are wearing new uniforms (pictured below), suggesting a coordinated effort rather than isolated resurgence.

Reached for comment, the Virbank Gym stated that the situation was "under control" but advised residents of Virbank City to closely supervise their Pokémon and report suspicious activity to the Gym or Pokémon Center.

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Huh. She takes note of the uniform, counts her Pokéballs, finishes her lunch, and goes to buy a ticket to the concert.

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She can buy a ticket. There are discounts available for people under 10, people between 10 and 18, and various occupations, including firefighters, rangers, and teachers.

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She is not any of those things, can she still afford it?

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It's 3000 Pokédollars, but she got more than that just from random thank-you presents for healing, so she probably can. She can optionally choose to pay extra (this comes with no special privileges).

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She doesn't even know what charitable cause the extra money goes to so no. One full price ticket.

She will spend the afternoon looking to see if there's such a thing as a movie theater. Maybe there is and she could watch a second movie!

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Yes! There's a movie theater in Pokéstar Studios showing new releases, designed as a sort of audience test, and another movie theater in town showing slightly-less-recent releases with a little more filtering for quality.

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Which one's cheaper?

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New releases at Pokéstar Studios! 

Does she have preferences about genre? There are a couple different movies playing this afternoon.

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She invented children's theater a couple of years ago and would be fascinated if they have it here! Failing that a romance.

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They have children's theater! Today, they're playing Mystery Doors of the Magical Land.

In a faraway kingdom, Prince Tony, a child of about twelve, is the selfish, spoiled heir to the throne. (His outfit looks rather like someone tried to reconstruct the clothing of one of the counts at the convention, having seen it exactly once, with completely different materials.) One night, he sneaks out on his own to wander the castle grounds. He finds a mysterious white door, and decides to investigate it.

Upon walking through the door, he finds himself in a magical kingdom known as the Land of Enchantment. He encounters a mysterious woman and immediately insults her. This proves to be a mistake, as she reveals herself to be the queen of the magical kingdom, Bellelba, who (in context) is probably some kind of sorcerer. Bellelba threatens to kidnap him and force him to be her servant forever, never to return to his home kingdom, and sends out one of her Pokémon to guard the door. Tony seems to consider this objectionable primarily because he considers being a servant to be beneath him, and complains that he doesn't have servants to fight this battle for him.

Tony attempts to battle her with his Pokémon, one of the ice-cream-like species Laia met earlier. Over the course of the battle, he and his Pokémon visibly start to lose energy. She taunts him, telling him that every moment he breathes the air in this kingdom, it saps his strength and willpower; terrified, he and his ice cream cone find enough resolve to rally and knock her Pokémon unconscious, before his own Pokémon collapses, exhausted. He declares that he will now return home, only to realize that during the battle, the door disappeared entirely. The queen mocks him for thinking that defeating her Pokémon would allow him to escape and traps him in a magical cage, leaving him to be guarded by a stuffed toy.

Tony attempts to escape, but finds that the only exit to the cage, a sturdy black door, refuses to budge. The toy lets slip that the door is in some unclear metaphysical sense a Pokémon, and can be battled just like a Pokémon can. Tony begins to battle the door, but realizes quickly that defeating it won't be sufficient — instead, he needs to scare the door-Pokémon into fleeing. Partway through the battle, the toy makes a cryptic comment, and Tony recognizes it as his long-lost brother, Kevin, who disappeared years ago and left Tony as the only heir. Tony and his ice cream cone manage to scare away the door. Tony wavers over what to do, but decides to invite Kevin to flee with him, even knowing that it means Kevin will take his place as heir. Kevin agrees, and the two of them flee.

As they flee, Bellelba returns and confronts them. She mocks them and challenges Tony to another battle; this time, she sends out several door-Pokémon in turn. With Kevin's help, Tony figures out that he needs to knock every door-Pokemon unconscious except the door that brought him here. There is an extended action sequence, during which it is revealed that Bellelba has spent the past century luring travelers into the magical kingdom (which seems like it might be more like a personal demiplane?) in order to drain their life-energy and achieve immortality. She compares herself to Tony's father, the king, and Tony has an epiphany that kings ought to rule on behalf of their subjects, not merely for personal gain. Ultimately, Tony manages to defeat every door but the white one; in the process, Bellelba also disappears, having put her own life-energy into the doors to animate them. The magical kingdom begins to come apart, and Tony and Kevin flee back home through the door.

An epilogue reveals that Kevin ultimately abdicated in favor of Tony, who ended up being a good ruler thanks to what he had learned in the magical kingdom.

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...that's a pretty confusing lens on monarchy but she's impressed with the child actor playing Tony!

.......okay now she wants to watch a romance.

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They have a romance too! This one is called Love in Lumiose.

Mariette, a Pokémon groomer, moves back to her hometown of Lumiose City, in the Kalos region. Her childhood best friend, Felicien, works at a rival Pokémon salon.

When her sister (who appears to be all of about twelve) stops by for a visit before challenging the Elite Four, she teases Mariette about being single and suggests she check out the local dating scene. Mariette starts dating Christophe, a Pokémon Trainer who works in "Prism Tower," which appears to be some kind of tall, pointy structure. Christophe is shockingly nice by Chelish standards, but occasionally criticizes her career.

Meanwhile, Mariette's salon is preparing for an annual Pokémon grooming contest, competing against Felicien's salon; Mariette plans to enter her Furfrou (a dog-like Pokémon) into the contest. Mariette invites Christophe to come watch; he makes dismissive comments but ultimately agrees.

On the day of the contest, Mariette's Furfrou is uncooperative, and she can't get the hair style quite right. Christophe makes fun of her and tells her to try pursuing a real career. Felicien overhears and challenges Christophe to a Pokémon battle, even though he expects it will mess up his Furfrou's hairstyle and cause him to lose the contest.

Christophe and Felicien battle. Felicien initially has the advantage, but Christophe yells at his Pokémon to try harder, and manages to pull out a victory. However, when Mariette sees this, she breaks up with him on the spot, despite his protests that he's a better Trainer and therefore a better boyfriend. Mariette asks Felicien out on a date, and the pair of them jointly agree to withdraw from the Pokémon grooming contest, in order to be fair to both salons.

In the final scene of the movie, Mariette and Felicien, now an established couple, decide to start their own salon together. Mariette's sister drops by again and makes fun of Mariette for not realizing that she was telling her to ask Felicien out.

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Awwww. It's a little hard to get invested in the stakes - the music is doing a lot of work there but there's just not all that much there - but the language of the film is very cunningly put together and they sure make those Furfrous look fancy.

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She can get a coupon for a free bowl of Cornn Berries next time she visits the theater if she fills out a survey with her thoughts on the movies she saw, does she want to do that? It helps the studio decide which ones they want to release and market more widely.

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Sure, though she will note on the survey that she's very foreign and these were two of the only three movies she's ever seen in her life.

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Great! There's a free-response section where she can fill that in, and then several other questions that are less open-ended. (How much did she enjoy them, on a scale from 1 to 5? How likely would she be to recommend these movies to a friend? and so on)

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She fills all that in - she's not familiar with the scale of 1 to 5 so she winds up treating it sort of ordinally, with approximately equal numbers of each numerical response - and turns it in.

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Here's her coupon!

Where is she headed next?

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She'll swing by the hospital again.

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There's a woman standing outside the hospital, with unfamiliar local equipment set up around her (some of which vaguely resembles equipment from Pokéstar Studios headquarters). She appears to be giving some sort of speech to the equipment.

"...appears to be from a distant region, and — oh, hello, ma'am, who might you be?"

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"- my name is Laia Solandra, and you?"

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"I'm Malka, here with Unova News, reporting on rumors of a human with magical healing powers at this very hospital!"

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"Why, that's me! I'm empowered by Shelyn, the Legendary Pokémon of love and art, and as Her cleric I have the ability to channel positive energy and heal all wounds."

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"Well, that's certainly exciting! What else can you tell our viewers about Shelyn? Does she give people this power often?"

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"Shelyn has lots of clerics on my planet! She wants everyone to help make the world around them more beautiful, and to have wonderful friendships and loving families, and spend their afterlives with Her in Nirvana or somewhere they find even more delightful than that."

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"Nirvana? Is that the region you're from?"

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"No, it's an afterlife, the Neutral Good afterlife. I'm from Golarion, it's a planet. I got here when a strange Pokémon attacked a whole crowd of people I was sitting with and then here I was!"

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"Well, I can't say I understood all that, but we're certainly glad to have you around! Are you here to do more of the healing?"

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"I thought I'd see if anyone needed me! I can do it six times a day, and there's no sense letting it go to waste if there's anyone hurt."

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"Well, don't let me stop you!"

She gestures to a man, who picks up one of the pieces of equipment and moves towards the entrance.

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In she traipses.

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The woman she was just talking to and the man holding the piece of equipment follow her.

"Welcome back!" says the receptionist.

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"Hello again! Anybody in here hurt at the moment?"

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"Yep, we've got a few!"

The receptionist coordinates getting everyone within a thirty-foot radius.

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Laia holds forth her pendant, smiles for the camera, and channels.

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"For those of you just tuning in, I'm here in Virbank City, where a woman with special powers from Shelyn, the Legendary Pokémon of love and art, has just magically healed this crowd of people!"

Word seems to have spread about giving Laia thank-you presents. She gets some more money and several random objects, including more potion-like concoctions in various colors and a large red hair accessory. A middle-aged couple invites her to dinner at their house.

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(She bows for the camera.)

"Oh, thank you so much, I'd love to join you."

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The woman who invited her gives her a smile. "Glad to hear it! It's just a few blocks east, I can show you..."

She and her husband start to head out.

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Laia trots along after them!

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The couple lives in an apartment overlooking the river. As they walk in the door, some kind of flying yellow mouse-like Pokémon jumps off the top of a cabinet and lands on the man's shoulder.

"Easy there, Emmy," he says.

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"Awww, it's cute."

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Emmy waves a tiny paw at Laia.

"Emmy, this is Laia," says the man. "Laia, this is Emmy. —And I'm Mark, and my wife is Ilana. And our daughter Billy Jo will be here once she gets off work."

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"Is it customary to let one's Pokémon out at times like this or is that just Emmy?"

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"Different people do it different ways. Emmy likes to be able to stretch her wings." He scratches her head. "You can let yours out if you want."

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Out they come, one two three!

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Emmy flies down and lands on Wooliam's head. 


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"Do you have any dietary restrictions we should know about?"

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"Dietary restrictions? I don't think so."

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In that case, Mark will get started cooking some soup.

"So, rumor has it you're from another planet," says Ilana. 

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"That's right, it's called Golarion!"

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"Well, don't just leave us hanging! What's it like?"

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"It's a whole planet and I haven't seen most of it, but the Pokémon are all totally different - in particular a bunch of kinds of them can speak human languages, and people don't catch them and fight with them nearly so much - and a lot of those and also humans can do magic either like me or a different kind."

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"Ha, I just bet Emmy would like to speak our language," says Mark.

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(She chirps at her name.)

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"I have a spell for that! - well not for letting her speak your language, that's second circle and I'm only first circle. But for understanding when anyone talks to me. It's not like the Plasma thing, I can't do it all the time, only when I cast the spell."

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Mark and Ilana glance at each other.

"Well, if you wanted to hear what she had to say, we'd be honored," says Ilana after a moment.

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"Sure, I can cast it again tomorrow, I only had one today. I have to prepare my spells in the morning by asking Shelyn for them."

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"Oh, you can talk to her?"

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"I can talk to Her all day long! What's hard is Her talking to me. But I can feel Her presence when I'm praying."