One moment, Laia is sitting down for the start of the floor session.
The next moment, some kind of bizarre-looking monster is going at her with an enormous golden ring.
The moment after that, she's somewhere else.
"Glad to hear it, darling. I'm going to speak with our staff about finding the perfect role to highlight your unique background. Why don't you meet me back here tomorrow morning?" From the way he says it, it sounds like this is a totally normal timeframe for this sort of decision.
"Marvelous. I see big things in your future, darling."
It's only late morning; does Laia have anything else she wants to do today?
She's going to learn her way around the city so she won't be getting lost all the time if she's going to live here. And get a sense of where she might want to get an apartment once she has income.
The city isn't too difficult to navigate, once she gets used to avoiding the waterways. The city is more-or-less laid out on a grid, with several clear landmarks, and surrounded by walls on most sides and a harbor to the east.
There are apartments for rent just about anywhere in the city. From the advertisements, it seems like nearly all of them come with furniture included, and most of them are primarily offering month-to-month rentals. The cheapest apartments are near the industrial district in the south, but those are much closer to the smoke from the factories. The apartments near Pokéstar studios are much more expensive, with more amenities. (There are also middle-price apartments in other parts of the city.)
Common amenities offered include "dishwashers," laundry rooms, "AC," community rooms, and a dizzying variety of daycare services. Less common amenities include fitness centers, in-unit laundry, and bike storage. One apartment in the entire city advertises itself as "Pokémon-free."
All of them are going to cost significantly more to rent than she can currently afford, but that might change once she starts getting paid for acting.
Hopefully! Though she'd also like to find whatever passes for a temple here - or an apothecary? Or a... Human Center? Somewhere she could sell healing if acting doesn't pan out.
The hospital is pretty confusing but she's not expecting to recognize whatever she's looking for so she looks closely enough to notice that it's got people going in with coughs and limps! In she goes.
"Not a thing! I have magical healing powers and was wondering if this is the right place to look into distributing those."
"Well, I suppose we do heal people here. What sort of healing? We do have a few Blissey on staff." They're not native to Unova, but they're useful enough to be worth the hassle of importing them.
"I can channel positive energy to heal damage - not diseases, I'm not strong enough for that. I can demonstrate if you'd like, I have five left today."
"Oh, just a few seconds, and I can do lots of people at once, it's a thirty foot radius burst!"
"If you're here for an injury and want to try magical healing from a human, raise your hand!" No one here has two broken arms.
She directs the volunteers to congregate around Laia.
"My magic actually comes from Shelyn! She's the Legendary Pokémon of love and art!" Laia chirps to whoever was praising Arceus whoever that might be.
"I don't think that's doing anything a Blissey couldn't do eventually, but you're a lot faster about it. ...I should've had the nurses watching."
"I've never met a Blissey. It sometimes comes out weaker or stronger, but it does reliably work at least a little."
"Huh." It's a little weird that it works like that, but human magic is pretty weird. "Well, you've definitely come to the right place."