Tyrians and Salmons in Cardverse
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The card materializes into a sword in his hand.


He tries to walk back towards where he expects the door to be. 


The door is where he left it.


And if he tries slashing the wall next to the door?


It is slashed open!

...and then it heals closed.


So he makes a call.

"Sadde? The Sword can cut through the walls, but I need something to keep the gap open. Feel like trying a spell for it?"


"Sure. Where should I go, what should I try?"


"The door to the men's bathroom, I'll try the wall to the right, away from the ladies' room. You're good at shapeshifting, try stopping the wall from reforming by focusing on changing it to some different shape, maybe? Instead of closing the gap have it leave a square hole, or do a pattern." 

He waits for her to get there.


She gets there. "Ready."


So he slashes the wall, to the right of the door.


He does not see a Sadde to the other side of the slashed wall.

"Tell me when I should do something."


"...Looks like it broke physics, or I'm very lost. I think this is either the Maze or the Illusion card...maybe the Loop, based on what I've read. The Sword doesn't work. If it's the Loop there should be a point I can break it, though, and if it's the Maze I can try to just...take it on its terms and find my way out. If it's even possible." 


"Hmm. And it caught you when you walked into the toilet?"


"Yeah. I guess the stain isn't coming out, and maybe neither am I." 


"What if I just open the door, would I be able to come back, maybe bring you? Or would I be stuck?"


"Probably stuck. I don't want to risk that first. Some cards have personality quirks, it might just want me to solve the puzzle. It could be that strong enough magic can break it. We have a family artifact, if you call my parents, that could help. I'm going to start trying to treat it as a real maze, find a solution." 


"Okay, I can call them." Internal sigh.


"Thanks. Sorry about, uh. Vanishing in the middle of our date."

He tries to find his way out of the maze.


"Entirely understandable, under the circumstances." She hangs up, takes a deep breath, and calls the Argents.

Meanwhile, the maze is very maze-y. It doesn't seem to outright fold spacetime, other than fitting inside a restaurant while being much larger than the restaurant is.


Cutting through doesn't work, jumping over doesn't work. Can he use the Sword to leave marks on the walls, so he can keep track of where he's been?


The Argents pick up.

"Hello? Who is this?"


...the maze does not seem to consider this cheating.

"Hi! Um, it's Sadde, Alistair's friend. There has been a, uh, situation, involving one of our friendly neighborhood cards."


"Of course. Were you calling for reinforcements?" 


"Something like that. He says he's stuck somewhere, he thinks it's the Maze or the Illusion or the Loop. He tried using the Sword to cut himself free but failed."


"If it's the Loop, he has to find the knot and cut it. If it's the Illusion, nothing physical will help, he needs mental fortitude. If it's the Maze...I don't know how to handle that one, but I imagine if you can observe it, you'll be more help than I am. Can you try examining it magically?"

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