"Look, I know it wasn't the most rational thing to do, but for a moment I just had so many ideas."
"But that's not relevant, I know. I'm sorry I was an ass. And before you say anything I was going to apologize to Bella anyway. Besides, I don't think it would have worked."
"The critter would have been dangerous, so I would've had to keep it away from Lucy. And you know her, she would have found it eventually and then she'd do what she always does with things she finds interesting."
Ann yawns. It's been a long day.
"Yeah, but I don't think I could have taken the risk. And she'd hate us if we kept secrets."
But she still raises her voice so the Security Lady hears her: "Is it okay if I nap here? I'm an expert at sleeping while sitting down."
So Ann sleeps and Sabrina stares at the walls, takes catnaps and thinks of what she did wrong until their six hours are up.
The security lady does something inscrutable and the transparent wall disappears. "Free to go," she says. "Don't let me catch you trying to punch people in the main bar again. Keep it upstairs or out back."
"There's one good thing about the wait, maybe the door's back."
Bella is reading something the bar gave her. One of her Pokémon is drinking a bowl of something slushy. She looks up warily when Sabrina and Ann come out but doesn't address them.
"Oh you're still here! I didn't think... Oh yeah. Magic bar. It was six hours subjective, wasn't it."