with Max (Benedict)
with Earth and Lightning (kappa)
with Ann and Sabrina (kuuskytkolme)
She stops. She's sure she went trough a door that leads to a hallway, not.... where ever this is.
She turns to Ann. "Was there always a bar here or did I suddenly go insane?"
The door they came through is no longer there.
Sabrina kicks the place where the door used to be. Nothing changes.
The girl near the bar whips her head around to look at the newcomers. "You don't know what's going on either, huh?" she sighs.
Ann looks at the stranger. "How'd you get here? I don't think I've seen you around."
"Po-ké-balls. The balls. That you keep Pokémon in. Because otherwise it would be hard to get some of them through doors or whatever?" She plucks one of the balls off her belt and waves it around. "These things?"
While the two of them have been talking Sabrina has walked up to the bar. She kicks it to see what happens.
Ann walks up to her sister and pokes her. "You did this. I have no idea how, but you did this. So, you go touch it."
She reads it aloud.
She exchanges one look with her sister, picks up the other napkin and reads it.
"You're a talking bar."
Insofar as writing is talking, yes.
Can I interest any of you in a beverage? First one's free.
"No, let's instead get back to the part where you're a talking bar. I-I don't even know where to start. Where did you come from, how do you make stuff appear out of thin air? Where did the door go, how can we get back?"
The next thing she addresses to Ann. "Do you want to take free food from a mysterious thing or person who calls itself bar that may or may not have locked us here?"