"Look, Bella, is there any way we could convince you? Sabrina has a mean temper, but she really does have everyone's best interests in mind."
"You hate people who don't give deadly weapons to screaming strangers in magic bars? What the hell kind of people do you like? I'm not feeling very convinced right now! I mean, maybe Bar can give me a course in your world's history and current events and you can lay out a plan besides - what the hell does 'enforce equality' even mean - but I can't afford to stay here forever, I can't collect on my allowance or win tournaments while time's paused, and I might have other things to do with my runway than that specific possible thing I could maybe do with access to a magic bar."
Sabrina's fist is coming towards Bella's face before Ann can stop her.
"Dusk!" exclaims Bella, and Dusk leaps out of her arms and kicks Sabrina's approaching fist hard enough to break a finger, then lands on the floor; Bella has fallen backwards in her own attempt to dodge and has her hand on her belt.
"That's more than enough," she says. "You, is this creature yours?" she asks Bella.
"You idiot, what was that? I just said you have people's best interests in mind, and you immediately made me a liar!"
"I'll let you go when you're in a holding cell to cool off," the Security woman tells Sabrina. "You, put your creature away."
"The door's gone," says the Security lady. "You couldn't go home anyway. I'm giving your friend six hours subjective in the cell and then she can be on her way; you can do whatever you like as long as it doesn't involve picking fights in the main bar." Her feet touch the ground briefly and she takes off again, flying at a sedate walking distance towards the door whence she came with Sabrina's wrist still in her grip.
"Look, Bella, I'm really sorry about that. I had no idea she was going to do that, she hasn't hit anyone in two years."
"What a thrilling track record," mutters Bella, getting up. "It clearly doesn't matter if I want to press charges, though, and six hours isn't bad."
"I'm still really really sorry, but I think I need to check if they'll let me talk her out of doing more stupid things. She doesn't usually stay angry this. Umm... Explosively for long, but just to make sure. Also, she's my sister and oldest friend, I don't want to leave her alone in an unfamiliar place, I hope you understand?"
Sabrina has been stashed in a cell with a transparent front wall. The lady who put her there is sitting behind a desk with a fashion magazine. "You can keep her company unless that causes some kind of problem," says Security Lady.
"Talking didn't get you what you want, so you decided to try your fists? That was really mature of you. I can see how you'd think that would work, it has worked so well thus far."