The priests of the righteous gods have rightly counselled us to abandon our Evil ways, that we might be spared the fires of Hell. Yet for many of us, the Evil we have done may yet weigh so heavily on our soul that we shall be damned regardless. In saying this I do not wish any to think the project of repentance futile, for it is said that there is none so wicked he cannot eventually be saved; but nor do I wish any of my fellow subjects to believe themselves safe, only to be snatched away to the flames of Avernus.

Yet there is another way to escape the torments of Hell, far simpler than by remedying a lifetime spent in service to Evil. For Hell is a Lawful afterlife, and those who are Chaotic or even Neutral can easily be spared from it, no matter how wicked their hearts or their deeds. In saying this I do not advise anyone to criminality, though such a path would certainly enable one to quickly become Lawless. Rather, I say that all those who wish to avoid Hell should set aside their Law in other matters, whether that comes by breaking sworn vows, refusing to honor commitments, abandoning all routine, defying authority, or any of the countless other ways by which one can reject the Law.

The benefits of this course of action are twofold, for it is to the advantage both to the cause of Good and the Chelish state, and to the person who sets out upon this course.

For every soul in Hell becomes the tool of Asmodeus, to be crafted into a weapon against all Good people in this world and the next. The anarchic demons of the Abyss, fearsome though they may be, cannot hope to match the organized Evil of Hell. Perhaps this was untrue when the Worldwound remained open, for the even the most witless of demons could wreak havoc merely by stepping through a portal, but now that it is closed the demons are greatly impaired in doing harm to anyone but their fellows. The souls of Abaddon are an even lesser threat, for the greater part of them are devoured and thereby are rendered fully harmless.

But it is not only the cause of Good that benefits, but the individual who abandons their Law. For though it is certainly painful to be devoured by the wicked spirits of Abaddon, it is a temporary pain, far less than the eternal suffering that awaits those consigned to Hell. Even those souls condemned to the Abyss shall fare far better than those in Hell, for it is said that the torments of Hell are relentless, while the torments of the Abyss are subject to the whims of demons, and so those souls in the Abyss may occasionally find respite. It is said also that Abyssal demons do not fear to destroy those souls in their power, so those who are condemned there may eventually, too, find release in oblivion. It is true, perhaps, that those souls who set aside their Evil ways shall be happier in Axis than the Boneyard or the Maelstrom; but any such difference is small compared to terrible fate that awaits those damned to Hell.

Therefore, think no longer of preserving your Law, but of discarding it. In this way you may certainly be free of the torments of Hell, whether or not you ever manage to redeem yourself of the Evil you have done.