Promise is looking for dewdrops. She has just learned to candy them herself - it's not hard, if she does it in her own tree instead of in the field. So she's brushing the droplets into a little wooden cup. They blend together but she can separate them out again later.
Over there is an unusual sight: a person with no wings, wearing a plain dress and sitting in a plush armchair set rather incongruously in the middle of a flower patch. She looks mildly conflicted about something.
"Are you addressing me?"
"A temporary phenomenon transported me here. It was inconvenient and annoying. If I had known that was a possible consequence of walking across the room, I would get out of my chair even less frequently."
"How do you know it was temporary? Gates and tears would seem to be a lot alike from your end. Did you try going back the way you came?"
"I am able to perceive fewer things here than I am used to, but as the only remaining connection to my domain it was extremely obvious while it lasted."
"Yes. It connects to many living worlds, but this is not one of them, perhaps because all of your aware life seems to be immortal. I have not perceived anyone dying since I arrived here. It is pleasing."
"Your use of the word implies that there are mortals around here somewhere, but I cannot detect any, so I don't know whether or not the ones you mean are collected by an afterlife."
"There are some gates and tears that go to what we call the 'mortal world', which is populated by people who look like you. If you're from somewhere else either they can also go other places or I've been misinformed about the mortality of the mortal world's population."
"I am not from your mortal world. And your gates and tears have never intruded on my domain before. I would have noticed."
"Someone would have had to know about the place to make a gate, and no one knows exactly why tears happen, so I can't be of much help explaining why you got one now and never before."