Karaoke is a charming old Earth pastime in which music which normally has lyrics is played without them and supplying vocals is left as an exercise to the participant. Ivan was coaxed into going by a local handing out drink vouchers for the bar which offers the activity, and there he got slightly tipsy, sang the only three Barrayaran songs in the entire catalogue, made out with a somewhat drunker girl, got her number, and stumbled home while some Earthling was stumbling through interminable verses of some song. It has not been a bad evening.
Telling people to calm down is notoriously ineffective at achieving this result. Witness the lack of calm.
"Aaron you little shit stop trying to bite me!" says Ivan, struggling to his feet without the use of his arms.
Ivan carries him out of the cafeteria. "The fuck was that? Who does that?"
Aaron does not answer! He is too busy trying to... no, actually, he is no longer too busy trying to bite Ivan. Now he is too busy crying, instead. This is arguably an improvement.
Ivan drops Aaron onto his bed. "Learn some fucking self-control," he mutters, and he edges out of the room without turning his back on Aaron.
"You didn't try to start a brawl in the cafeteria, what do you have to be sorry for, you've been perfectly civilized the entire time."
"Fair enough. Don't let him out without my escort till further notice, I'll be by to take him to breakfast or just bring it in for you both if he's in a mood."
"Either of you want to come to the cafeteria or should I just bring you your bread, water, vat bacon, eggs...?"
"Right. Aaron, no wandering off, th'captain doesn't care to run into you again and needs the run of the place to do his job."
"He doesn't feel up to talking to anyone yet but he understands and he's not going anywhere," says Mark.